These publications are provided on the LIVE website for research purposes ONLY. No part of these documents may be distributed for commercial purposes.

Journal Publications
L.-H. Chen, C. G. Bampis, Z. Li, L. Krasula, A. C. Bovik, "Estimating the resize parameter in end-to-end learned image compression.," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 135, July, 2025.
L.-H. Chen, C. G. Bampis, Z. Li, J. Sole, C. Chen, A. C. Bovik, "Learned fractional downsampling network for adaptive video streaming," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 128, October, 2024.
A. K. Venkataramanan, C. Stejerean, I. Katsavounidis, A. C. Bovik, "One Transform to Compute Them All: Efficient Fusion-Based Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 33, pp. 509-524, December, 2023.
Z. Shang, J. P. Ebenezer, Y. Wu, H. Wei, S. Sethuraman, A. C. Bovik, "Study of the Subjective and Objective Quality of High Motion Live Streaming Videos," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 31, pp. 1027-1041, December, 2021.
J. P. Ebenezer, Z. Shang, Y. Wu, H. Wei, S. Sethuraman, A. C. Bovik, "ChipQA: No-Reference Video Quality Prediction via Space-Time Chips," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 30, September, 2021.
X.Yu, N. Birkbeck, Y. Wang, C.G.Bampis, B. Adsumilli, and A. C. Bovik, "Predicting the quality of compressed videos with pre-existing distortions," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 30, pp. 7511-7526, August, 2021.
P. C. Madhusudana, N. Birkbeck, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli, A. C. Bovik, "ST-GREED: Space-Time Generalized Entropic Differences for Frame Rate Dependent Video Quality Prediction," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 30, August, 2021.
S. Paul, A. Norkin, and A. C. Bovik, "On visual masking estimation for adaptive quantization using steerable filters," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 96, August, 2021.
P. C. Madhusudana, X. Yu, N. Birkbeck, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli, and A. C. Bovik, "Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of High Frame Rate Videos," IEEE Access , vol. 9, July, 2021.
Z. Tu, X. Yu, Y. Wang, N. Birkbeck, B. Adsumilli and A. C. Bovik, "RAPIQUE: Rapid and Accurate Video Quality Prediction of User Generated Content," IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing , vol. 2, June, 2021.
Z. Tu, Y. Wang, N. Birkbeck, B. Adsumilli and A. C. Bovik, "UGC-VQA: Benchmarking Blind Video Quality Assessment for User Generated Content," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 30, pp. 4449-4464, April, 2021.
A. K. Venkataramanan, C. Wu, A. C. Bovik, I. Katsavounidis and Z. Shahid, "A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Structural Similarity," IEEE Access , pp. 28872-28896, January, 2021.
L.-H. Chen, C. G. Bampis, Z. Li, J. Sole and A. C. Bovik, "Perceptual Video Quality Prediction Emphasizing Chroma Distortions," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 30, pp. 1408-1422, December, 2020.
Z. Tu, J. Lin, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli and A. C. Bovik, "Adaptive Debanding Filter," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 27, pp. 1715-1719, September, 2020.
S. Paul, A. Norkin and A. C. Bovik, "Speeding Up VP9 Intra Encoder With Hierarchical Deep Learning-Based Partition Prediction," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 29, pp. 8134 - 8148, July, 2020.
X. Min, G. Zhai, J. Zhou, M. C. Q. Farias, and A. C. Bovik, "Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Audio-Visual Signals," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 29, pp. 6054-6068, April, 2020.
P. C. Madhusudana, N. Birkbeck, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli and A. C. Bovik, "Capturing Video Frame Rate Variations via Entropic Differencing ," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 27, pp. , January, 2020.
X.Yu, C.G.Bampis, P.Gupta, A.C.Bovik, "Predicting the quality of images compressed after distortion in two steps," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , July, 2019.
Z. Sinno and A. C. Bovik, "Large-Scale Study of Perceptual Video Quality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 612-627, February, 2019.
S. Paul and A.C. Bovik, "Image Statistic Models Characterize Well Log Image Quality," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , vol. 16, pp. 1130 - 1134, February, 2019.
P. Gupta, J. L. Glover, N. G. Paulter Jr., A. C. Bovik, "Studying the Statistics of Natural X-ray Pictures," Journal of Testing and Evaluation , vol. 46, pp. 1478-1488, July, 2018.
Z. Sinno, C. Caramanis, A. C. Bovik, "Towards a Closed Form Second Order Natural Scene Statistics Model," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3194 - 3209, July, 2018.
L. K. Choi and A. C. Bovik, "Video quality assessment accounting for temporal visual masking of local flicker," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 67, pp. 182-198, June, 2018.
F. Isikdogan, A.C. Bovik, and P. Passalacqua, "Learning a River Network Extractor using an Adaptive Loss Function," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 813 - 817, June, 2018.
H.Oh, S.Ahn, S.Lee, A.C.Bovik, "Deep Visual Discomfort Predictor for Stereoscopic 3D Images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , June, 2018.
P. Gupta, A. K. Moorthy, R. Soundararajan, A. C. Bovik, "Generalized Gaussian scale mixtures: A model for wavelet coefficients of natural images," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 66, pp. 87-94, May, 2018.
C. G. Bampis, Z. Li, I. Katsavounidis, A. C. Bovik, "Recurrent and Dynamic Models for Predicting Streaming Video Quality of Experience," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 3316-3331, March, 2018.
D. Kundu, L.K. Choi, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Perceptual quality evaluation of synthetic pictures distorted by compression and transmission," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 61, pp. 54-72, February, 2018.
D.Ghadiyaram, J.Pan and A.C Bovik, "Learning a Continuous-Time Streaming Video QoE Model," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 2257 - 2271, January, 2018.
F. Isikdogan, P. Passalacqua and A.C. Bovik, "RivaMap: An automated river analysis and mapping engine," Journal of Remote Sensing of Environment , vol. 202, pp. 88-97, December, 2017.
C. Bampis, Z. Li, A.K. Moorthy, I. Katsavounidis, A. Aaron and A.C. Bovik, "Study of temporal effects on subjective video quality of experience," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 5217-5231, November, 2017.
F. Isikdogan, P. Passalacqua and A.C. Bovik, "Surface Water Mapping by Deep Learning," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing , vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 4909-4918, November, 2017.
J. Kim, H. Zeng, D. Ghadiyaram, S. Lee, L. Zhang and A.C. Bovik, "Deep convolutional neural models for picture quality prediction," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 130-141, November, 2017.
D. Kundu, D. Ghadiyaram, A.C. Bovik and B.L. Evans, "Large-scale crowdsourced study for tone-mapped HDR pictures," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 4725-4740, October, 2017.
J. Kim, T. Kim, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Quality assessment of perceptual crosstalk on two-view auto-stereoscopic displays," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 4885-4899, October, 2017.
L. Liu, B. Liu, C.-C. Su, H. Huang and A.C. Bovik, "Binocular spatial activity and reverse saliency driven no-reference stereopair quality assessment," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 58, pp. 287-299, October, 2017.
B. Yan, B. Bare, K. Li, J. Li and A.C. Bovik, "Learning based quality assessment for image retargeting," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 56, pp. 12-19, August, 2017.
T. Kim, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Enhancement of visual comfort and sense of presence on stereoscopic 3D images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 3789-3801, August, 2017.
K. Gu, J. Zhou, G. Zhai, W. Lin and A.C. Bovik, , "No-reference quality assessment of screen content pictures," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 4005-4017, August, 2017.
D.E. Moreno-Villamarin, H.D. Benitez-Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, "Predicting the quality of fused long wave infrared and visible light images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 3479-3491, July, 2017.
D. Kundu, D. Ghadiyaram, A.C. Bovik and B.L. Evans, "No-reference quality assessment of tone-mapped HDR pictures," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 2957-2971, June, 2017.
C.-C. Su, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Bayesian depth estimation from monocular natural images," Journal of Vision , vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1-29, May, 2017.
F. Xie, H. Fan, Y. Li, Z. Jiang, R. Meng and A.C. Bovik, "Melanoma classification on dermoscopy images using a neural network ensemble model," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 849-858, March, 2017.
K.J. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Visual discomfort prediction on stereoscopic 3D images without explicit disparities," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 51, pp. 50-60, February, 2017.
C. Bampis, P. Maragos and A.C. Bovik, "Graph-driven diffusion and random walk schemes for image segmentation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 35-49, January, 2017.
C.O. Ancuti, C. Ancuti, C. De Vleeschouwer and A.C. Bovik, "Single-scale fusion: An effective approach to merging images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 65-78, January, 2017.
D. Ghadiyaram and A. C. Bovik, "Perceptual Quality Prediction on Authentically Distorted Images Using a Bag of Features Approach," Journal of Vision , vol. 2016, no. 28, October, 2016.
K.J. Chen, J. Zhou, J. Sun and A.C. Bovik, "3D Visual Discomfort Prediction Using Low Complexity Disparity Algorithms," EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing , vol. 2016, no. 1, pp. 1-10, August, 2016.
F. Xie, Y. Lu, A.C. Bovik, Z. Jiang and R. Meng, "Application-driven no reference quality assessment for dermoscopy images with multiple distortions," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 1248-1256, June, 2016.
L. K. Choi, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack, "The effect of eccentricity and spatiotemporal energy on motion silencing," Journal of Vision , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1-13, March, 2016.
H. Oh, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "3D visual discomfort prediction: A dynamic accommodation and vergence interaction model," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 615-629, February, 2016.
A. Mittal, M. A. Saad, and A. C. Bovik, "A Completely Blind Video Integrity Oracle," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 289-300, January, 2016.
L. Liu, Y. Hua, Q. Zhao, H. Huang and A.C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment by relative gradient statistics and Adaboosting neural network," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 1-15, January, 2016.
T. Goodall, A.C. Bovik and N.G. Paulter, Jr., "Tasking on natural statistics of infrared images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 65-79, January, 2016.
D. Ghadiyaram and A.C. Bovik, "Massive online crowdsourced study of subjective and objective picture quality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 372-387, January, 2016.
F. Isikdogan, A.C. Bovik, and P. Passalacqua, "Automatic Channel Network Extraction From Remotely Sensed Images by Singularity Analysis," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 2218-2221, November, 2015.
L. K. Choi, J. You, and A. C. Bovik, "Referenceless Prediction of Perceptual Fog Density and Perceptual Image Defogging," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 3888-3901, November, 2015.
L. K. Choi, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "Motion silencing of flicker distortions on naturalistic videos," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 39, pp. 328-341, November, 2015.
T. Kim, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Transfer function model of physiological mechanisms underlying temporal visual comfort experienced when viewing stereoscopic 3D images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 4335-4347, November, 2015.
L. Duan, T. Xi, S. Cui, H. Qi and A.C. Bovik, "A spatiotemporal weighted dissimilarity-based method for video saliency detection," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 38, pp. 45-56, October, 2015.
G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Disparity estimation on stereo mammograms," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 2851-2863, September, 2015.
L. Zhang, L. Zhang and A.C. Bovik, "A feature-enriched completely blind local image quality analyzer," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 2579-2591, August, 2015.
C.-C. Su, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Oriented correlation models of distorted natural images with application to natural stereopair quality evaluation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1685-1699, May, 2015.
R.W. Heath Jr., A.C. Bovik, G. de Veciana, C. Caramanis, J.G. Andrews, C. Chen, M. Saad, Z. Lu, A. Abdel-Khalek and S. Singh, "Perceptual optimization of large scale wireless video networks," Intel Technology Journal , vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 26-69, April, 2015.
S. Lee, B. Kwon, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "BUCKET: Scheduling of solar-powered sensor networks via cross-layer optimization," IEEE Sensor , vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1489-1503, March, 2015.
J. Park, H. Oh, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "3D visual discomfort predictor: Analysis of disparity and neural activity statistics," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1101-1114, March, 2015.
J. Lee, M.C. Fingeret, A.C. Bovik, G.P. Reece, R.J. Skoracki, M.M. Hanasono and M.K. Markey, "Eigen-disfigurement model for simulating plausible facial disfigurement after reconstructive surgery," BMC Medical Imaging , vol. 15, no. 12, March, 2015.
C. Chen, X. Zhu, G. de Veciana, A.C. Bovik and R.W. Heath, "Rate adaptation and admission control for video transmission with subjective quality constraints," IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Visual Signal Processing for Wireless Networks (VSPWN) , vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 22-36, February, 2015.
W. Huang, X. Cao, K. Lu, Q. Dai and A.C. Bovik, "Towards naturalistic 2D-to-3D conversion," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 724-733, February, 2015.
D. Ghadiyaram and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic quality prediction on authentically distorted pictures," SPIE Newsroom , February, 2015.
C. C Su, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "Bayesian depth estimation from monocular natural images," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , revised, January, 2015.
C. C Su, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "Closed-Form Correlation Model of Oriented Bandpass Natural Images," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 22, no. 1, January, 2015.
M. H. Pinson, L. K. Choi, and A. C. Bovik, "Temporal Video Quality Model Accounting for Variable Frame Delay Distortions," IEEE Transactions of Broadcasting , vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 637-649, December, 2014.
S. K. Gokce, S. X. Guo, N. Ghorashian, W. N. Everett, T. Jarrell, A. Kottek, A. C. Bovik, and A. Ben-Yakar, "A Fully Automated Microfluidic Femtosecond Laser Axotomy Platform for Nerve Regeneration Studies in C. elegans," PLOS One , December, 2014.
S. Gunasekar, J. Ghosh, and A. C. Bovik, "Face Detection on Distorted Images Augmented by Perceptual Quality-Aware Features," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security , vol. 9, no. 12, December, 2014.
T. Oh, J. Park, K. Seshadrinathan, S. Lee, and A. C. Bovik, "No-Reference Sharpness Assessment of Camera-Shaken Images by Analysis of Spectral Structure," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 23, no. 12, December, 2014.
Q. Sang, X. Wu, C. Li, and A. C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment using a reciprocal singular value curve," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. , no. , December, 2014.
W. Xue, X. Mou, L. Zhang, A. C. Bovik, and X. Feng, "Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Joint Statistics of Gradient Magnitude and Laplacian Features," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 23, no. 11, December, 2014.
L. K. Choi, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack, "Spatiotemporal flicker detector model of motion silencing," Perception , vol. 43, pp. 1286-1302, December, 2014.
M.J. Chen, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Study of distortion conspicuity on stereoscopically viewed 3D images," Journal of the Society for Information Display , January, 2014.
T. Kim, J. Kang, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Multimodal Interactive Continuous Scoring of Subjective 3D Video Quality of Experience," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , January, 2014.
C. Chen, L.K. Choi, G. de Veciana, C. Caramanis, R.W. Heath, Jr. and A.C. Bovik, "A model of the time-varying subjective quality of HTTP video streams," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , January, 2014.
Q.B. Sang, H.X. Qi, X.J. Wu, C.F. Li and A.C. Bovik, "No-reference image blur index using singular value curve," Visual Communications and Image Representation , January, 2014.
S. Lee, I. Lee, S. Kim, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "A pervasive network control algorithm for multi-camera networks," IEEE Sensors Journal , January, 2014.
Y. Zhang, A.K. Moorthy, D.M. Chandler and A.C. Bovik, "C-DIIVINE: No-reference image quality assessment based on local magnitude and phase statistics of natural scenes," Signal Processing: Image Communication , January, 2014.
J. Park, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "3D visual discomfort prediction based on physiological optics of binocular vision and foveation," IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing , January, 2014.
G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Noise analysis of a new singularity index," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. 61, no. 24, pp. 6150-6163, December, 2013.
S. Jahanbin and A.C. Bovik, "Passive three-dimensional face recognition by wavelet decomposition of range images," Machine Vision and Applications , December, 2013.
M. Saad and A.C. Bovik, "Blind prediction of natural video quality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , December, 2013.
W. Xue, L. Zhang, X. Mou and A.C. Bovik, "Gradient magnitude similarity deviation: A highly efficient perceptual image quality index," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , December, 2013.
H. Kim, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Saliency prediction on stereoscopic videos," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , December, 2013.
K. Lee, A.K. Moorthy, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "3D visual activity assessment based on natural scene statistics," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , December, 2013.
G.S. Muralidhar, M.K. Markey, A.C. Bovik, T.M. Haygood, T.W. Stephens, W.R. Geiser, N. Garg and G.J. Whitman, "Stereoscopic interpretation of low dose breast tomosynthesis projection images," Journal of Digital Imaging , November, 2013.
A.K. Moorthy, A. Mittal and A.C. Bovik, "Perceptually-optimized blind repair of natural images," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 1478-1493, November, 2013.
S. Jahanbin, R. Jahanbin and A.C. Bovik, "Passive three dimensional face recognition using iso-geodesic contours and procrustes analysis," International Journal of Computer Vision , vol. 105, no. 1, pp. 87-108, October, 2013.
M.-J. Chen, C.-C. Su, D.-K. Kwon, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Full-reference quality assessment of stereopairs accounting for rivalry," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 1143-1155, October, 2013.
M.-J. Chen, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "No-reference quality assessment of natural stereopairs," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 3379-3391, September, 2013.
A.C. Bovik, "Automatic prediction of perceptual image and video quality (Invited Paper)," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol. 101, no. 9, pp. 2008-2024, September, 2013.
A.K. Moorthy, C.-C. Su, A. Mittal and A.C. Bovik, "Subjective evaluation of stereoscopic image quality," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 870-883, September, 2013.
L.K. Choi, Y. Liao and A.C. Bovik, "Video QoE metrics for the compute continuum," IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Technical Committee E-Letter , vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 26-49, September, 2013.
R.W. Heath, A.C. Bovik, G. de Veciana, C. Caramanis and J.G. Andrews, "Perceptual optimization of large-scale wireless video networks," IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Technical Committee E-Letter , vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 30-32, September, 2013.
C.-C. Su, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack,, "Color and depth priors in natural images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2259-2274, June, 2013.
C. Chen, R.W Heath, A.C. Bovik and G. de Veciana, "A Markov decision model for adaptive scheduling of stored scalable videos," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 1081-1095, June, 2013.
C. Li, Y. Ju, A.C. Bovik and X. Wu, "A no-training no reference image quality index using perceptual features," Optical Engineering , vol. 52, no. 5, May, 2013.
R. Soundararajan and A.C. Bovik, "Survey of information theory and visual quality assessment (Invited Paper)," Signal, Image, and Video Processing, Special Section on Human Vision and Information Theory , vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 391-401, May, 2013.
H. Lee, H. Oh, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Visually weighted compressive sensing: Measurement and reconstruction," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1444-1455, April, 2013.
R. Soundararajan and A.C. Bovik, "Video quality assessment by reduced reference spatio-temporal entropic differencing," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 684-694, April, 2013.
A. Mittal, R. Soundarajan and A. C. Bovik, "Making a 'Completely Blind' Image Quality Analyzer," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 209-212, March, 2013.
F. Xie and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic segmentation of dermoscopy images using self-generating neural networks seeded by genetic algorithm," Pattern Recognition , vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 1012-1019, March, 2013.
J. Park, K. Seshadrinathan, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "VQ Pooling: Video quality pooling adaptive to perceptual distortion severity," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 610-620, February, 2013.
G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "A steerable, multi-scale singularity index," iEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 7-10, January, 2013.
A. Mittal, A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "No-reference image quality assessment in the spatial domain," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 4695-4708, December, 2012.
C. Charrier, K. Knoblauch, L.T. Maloney, A.C. Bovik and A.K. Moorthy, "Optimizing multi-scale SSIM for compression via MLDS," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 4682-4694, December, 2012.
A. Gopinath and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic feature extraction and statistical shape model of the AIDS virus spike," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 3386-3395, December, 2012.
A. K. Moorthy, L. K. Choi, A. C. Bovik and G. de Veciana, "Video quality assessment on mobile devices: Subjective, behavioral, and objective studies," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing , vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 652-671, October, 2012.
M. A. Saad and A. C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment: A natural scene statistics approach in the DCT domain," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 3339-3352, August, 2012.
A. Mittal, A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "Visually lossless H.264 compression: Human opinion and computational models," The Computer Journal , July, 2012.
L. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Active contours with neighborhood-extending and noise-smoothing gradient vector flow external force," EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing , vol. 9, April, 2012.
A.Mittal, G.S.Muralidhar, J.Ghosh and A.C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment without human training using latent quality factors," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 75-78, February, 2012.
R.Soundararajan and A.C. Bovik, "RRED indices: Reduced reference entropic differencing for image quality assessment," IEEE transactions on Image Processing , vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 517-526, February, 2012.
X.Cao, A.C. Bovik,Y.Wang and Q.Dai, "Converting 2D video to 3D: An efficient path to a 3D experience," IEEE Multimedia Magazine , vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 12-17, December, 2011.
M.J. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Fast structural similarity index algorithm," Journal of Real -Time Image Processing , vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 281-287, December, 2011.
A.K.Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment: From natural scene statistics to perceptual quality," IEEE Transcations on Image Processing , vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 3350-3364, December, 2011.
S. Jahanbin, H.Choi and A.C. Bovik, "Passive multimodal face recognition using geodesic and landmark distances," IEEE transactions on Information Forensics and Security , vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1287-1304, December, 2011.
F.Porikli (Moderator), A.C. Bovik, P. Le Callet, J. Farrell, S. Moeller, C.Plack, Q.T. Quan and S. Winkler, "Forum on Multimedia Quality Assessment," IEEE Signal Processing magazine , vol. 29, no. 06, pp. 29-40, November, 2011.
L.Duan,C.Wu,J.Miao and A.C. Bovik, "Visual conspicuity index:spatial dissimilarity, distance and central bias," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 690-693, November, 2011.
S. Ha, J. Park, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Perceptually scalable extension of H.264," IEEE Transactions on Curcuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1667-1678, November, 2011.
Z. Wang and A.C. Bovik, "Reduced and no reference visual quality assessment- The natural scene statistic model approach," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,Special Issue on Multimedia Quality Assessment , vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 29-40, November, 2011.
Y. Liu, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Statistical modeling of 3D natural scenes with application to Bayesian stereopsis," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 2515-2530, September, 2011.
H. Lee, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Cross-layer optimization for downlink wavelet video transmission," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 813-823, August, 2011.
C. Li and A.C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment using a general regression neural network," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks , vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 793-799, March, 2011.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Visual Quality Assessment Algorithms: What Does the Future Hold?," International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Survey Papers in Multimedia by World Experts , vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 675-696, February, 2011.
G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, M.P. Sampat, G.J. Whitman, T.M. Haygood and M.K. Markey, "Computer-aided diagnosis in breast magnetic resonance imaging," Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine , vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 280-290, February, 2011.
M.-J. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "?No-reference image blur assessment using multiscale gradient," EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Special Issue on Quality of Multimedia Experience , no. 3, January, 2011.
C. Yim and A.C. Bovik, "Quality assessment of de-blocked images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 88-98, January, 2011.
C. Yim and A.C. Bovik, "Evaluation of temporal variation of video quality in packet loss networks," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 24-38, January, 2011.
K. Seshadrinathan and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic prediction of perceptual quality of multimedia signals ? A survey," International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Survey Papers in Multimedia by World Experts , vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 163-186, January, 2011.
Y. Liu, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Dichotomy between luminance and disparity features at binocular fixations," Journal of Vision , vol. 10, no. 12:23, pp. 1-17, December, 2010.
G.S. Muralidhar, G.J. Whitman, T.M. Haygood, T.W. Stephens, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Evaluation of Stylus for radiographic image annotation," Journal of Digital Imaging , vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 701-705, December, 2010.
A. C. Bovik, "Perceptual image processing: Seeing the future," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol. 98, no. 11, pp. 1799-1803, November, 2010.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Efficient video quality assessment along temporal trajectories," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1653-1658, November, 2010.
G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, J.D. Giese, M.P. Sampat, G.J. Whitman, T.M. Haygood, T.W. Stephens and M.K. Markey, "Snakules: An evidence-based active contour algorithm for the annotation of spicules on mammography," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1768-1780, October, 2010.
A.C. Bovik, "What you see is what you learn," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 117-123, September, 2010.
H. Ha, J. Park, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Perceptually unequal packet loss protection by weighting saliency and error propagation," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 1187-1199, September, 2010.
C. Li and A. C. Bovik, "Content-partitioned structural similarity index for image quality assessment," Signal Processing: Image Communications , vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 517-526, July, 2010.
K. Seshadrinathan, R. Soundararajan, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Study of subjective and objective quality assessment of video," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1427-1441, June, 2010.
M. A. Saad, A. C. Bovik and C. Charrier, "A DCT statistics based blind image quality index," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 583-586, June, 2010.
U. Rajashekar, T. Vu, J.E. Hooning and A.C. Bovik, "Performance evaluation of mail scanning cameras," Journal of Electronic Imaging , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 023008-1--023008-10, June, 2010.
S. Gupta, M. K. Markey, A. C. Bovik, "Anthropometric 3D Face Recognition," International Journal of Computer Vision , vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 331-349, June, 2010.
A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "A two-step framework for constructing blind image quality indices," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 513-516, May, 2010.
A. K. Moorthy and K. Seshadrinathan and R. Soundararajan and A. C. Bovik, "Wireless video quality assessment: A study of subjective scores and objective algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolofy , vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 587-599, April, 2010.
T.R. Coffman and A.C. Bovik, "Fast dense stereoscopic ranging via stochastic sampling of match quality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 451-460, February, 2010.
K. Seshadrinathan and A.C. Bovik, "Motion-tuned spatio-temporal quality assessment of natural videos 161. (Winner of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award for 2013)," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 335-350, February, 2010.
M.F. Sabir, R.W. Heath and A.C. Bovik, "Unequal power allocation for JPEG transmission over MIMO systems," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 410-421, February, 2010.
C. Li and A.C. Bovik, "Content-weighted video quality assessment using a three-component image model,," Journal of Electronic Imaging, Special Section on Image Quality , vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 011003, January, 2010.
J. Monaco and A.C. Bovik, "Active, foveated, uncalibrated stereovision," International Journal of Computer Vision , vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 192-207, December, 2009.
J. Park, H. Lee, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Optimal channel adaptation of scalable video in a multi-carrier, multi-cell environment," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 1062-1071, October, 2009.
M.P. Sampat, Z. Wang, S. Gupta, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Complex wavelet structural similarity: a new image similarity index," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 2385-2401, October, 2009.
I. van der Linde, U. Rajashekar, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Visual memory for fixated regions of natural scenes dissociates attraction and recognition," Perception , vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1152-1171, August, 2009.
A.C. Bovik, "Meditations on video quality," invited Distinguished Position Paper, IEEE Multimedia Communications E-Letter , vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 4-10, May, 2009.
M.P. Sampat, A.C. Patel, Y. Wang, S. Gupta, W. Kan, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Indexes for three-class classification performance assessment ? An empirical comparison," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Medical Systems , vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 300-312, May, 2009.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Visual importance pooling for image quality assessment," IEEE Journal on Special Topics in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Visual Media Quality Assessment , vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 193-201, April, 2009.
I. van der Linde, U. Rajashekhar, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "DOVES: A database of visual eye movements," Spatial Vision , , vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 161-177, February, 2009.
M.F. Sabir, R.W. Heath and A.C. Bovik, "Joint source-channel distortion modeling for MPEG-4 video," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 90-105, January, 2009.
H. Choi, K.R. Castleman and A.C. Bovik, "Color Compensation of Multicolor FISH Images," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 129-136, January, 2009.
Z. Wang and A.C. Bovik, "Mean squared error: Love it or leave it? - A new look at signal fidelity measures 150. (Winner of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Paper Award for 2013). ," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 98-117, January, 2009.
A. Tavassoli, I. van der Linde, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Eye movements selective for spatial frequency and orientation during active visual search," Vision Research , vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 173-181, January, 2009.
A. C. Bovik, "Video quality is in the eye of the beholder," IEEE Communications Systems and Integration and Modeling Electronic Newsletter (Invited Article) , vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 11-16, December, 2008.
S.S. Channappayya, A.C. Bovik and R.W. Heath, "Rate bounds on SSIM index of quantized images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1624-1639, September, 2008.
J. Monaco, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Stereoscopic phase differencing: Nonlinearities and multiscale synthesis," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1672-1684, September, 2008.
H. Choi, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Castleman, "Feature normalization via expectation maximization and unsupervised nonparametric classification for M-FISH chromosome images," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 1107-1119, August, 2008.
Y. Liu, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Disparity statistics in natural scenes," Journal of Vision , vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 19-1 - 19-14, August, 2008.
S.S. Channappayya, A.C. Bovik, C. Caramanis and R.W. Heath, "Design of linear equalizers optimized for the structural similarity index," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 857-872, June, 2008.
M.P. Sampat, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey and G.J. Whitman, "A model-based framework for the detection of spiculated lesions on mammography," Medical Physics , vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 2110-2123, May, 2008.
U. Rajashekar, I. van der Linde, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "GAFFE: A gaze-attentive fixation finding engine," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 564-573, April, 2008.
M. P. Sampat and A. C. Bovik and M. K. Markey and G. J. Whitman, "Comparison of algorithms to enhance spicules on spiculated lesions on mammography," Journal of Digital Imaging , vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 9-17, March, 2008.
R.G.Raj and A. C. Bovik, "MICA: A multilinear ICA decomposition for natural scene modeling," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , , vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 259-271, March, 2008.
A. Tavassoli, I. van der Linde, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Orientation anisotropies in visual search revealed by noise," Journal of Vision , vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 1-8, December, 2007.
S. S. Channappayya, K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Video quality assessment with motion and temporal artifacts considered," EE Times , December, 2007.
U. Rajashekar and I. van der Linde and A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Foveated analysis of image features at fixations," Vision Research , vol. 47, no. 25, pp. 3160-3172, November, 2007.
M. S. Pattichis and A. C. Bovik, "Analyzing image structure by multidimensional frequency modulation," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 753-766, May, 2007.
T. Arnow and A. C. Bovik, "Foveated visual search for corners," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 813-823, March, 2007.
A. Tavassoli, I. van der Linde, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "An efficient technique for exposing visual search strategies with classification images," Journal of Perception & Psychophysics , , vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 103-113, January, 2007.
M. P. Sampat and G.J. Whitman and L.D. Broemeling and T.W. Stephens and N.A. Heger and A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "The reliability of measuring physical characteristics of spiculated masses on mammography," British Journal of Radiology: Special issue on computer aided detection , vol. 79, no. 2, pp. S134-S140, December, 2006.
H. R. Sheikh, M. F. Sabir, and A. C. Bovik, "A Statistical Evaluation of Recent Full Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , , vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 3440-3451, November, 2006.
M. F. Sabir, H. R. Sheikh, R. W. Heath, and A.C. Bovik, "A joint source-channel distortion model for JPEG compressed images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , , vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1349-1364, June, 2006.
Z. Wang, G. Wu, H. R. Sheikh, E. P. Simoncelli, E. H. Yang, and A. C. Bovik, "Quality-aware images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , , vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1680-1689, June, 2006.
U. Rajashekar, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack, "Visual Search in Noise: Revealing the Influence of Structural Cues by Gaze-contingent Classification Image Analysis," Journal of Vision, Special Issue on Finding visual features: Using stochastic stimuli , , vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 379-386, March, 2006.
H. R. Sheikh, and A. C. Bovik, "Image Information and Visual Quality," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 430 - 444, February, 2006.
H. R. Sheikh, A. C. Bovik, and G. de Veciana, "An Information Fidelity Criterion for Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 2117-2128, December, 2005.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Foveation embedded DCT domain video transcoding," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation , vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 643-667, December, 2005.
W.C. Schwartzkopf, A.C. Bovik and B.L. Evans, "Maximum likelihood techniques for joint segmentation-classification of multi-spectral chromosome images," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 14, no. 12, pp. 1593-1610, December, 2005.
H. R. Sheikh, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack, "No-Reference Quality Assessment using Natural Scene Statistics: JPEG2000," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1918-1927, November, 2005.
R. G. Raj., W. S. Geisler, Frazor, R.A. & Bovik, A.C., "Contrast statistics for foveated visual systems: Fixation selection by miinimizing contrast entropy," Journal of the Optical Society of America A. , vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 2039-2049, October, 2005.
M. P. Sampat, A. C. Bovik, J. K. Aggarwal, and K. R. Castleman, "Supervised parameteric and non-parametric classification of chromosome images," Pattern Recognition , vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1209-1223, August, 2005.
S. Lee,A. C. Bovik, and Y. Y. Kim, "High quality, low delay foveated visual communications over mobile channels," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation , vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 180-211, April, 2005.
A. C. Bovik, and R. G. Raj, "Approximating filtered scale-variant signals," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 23-35, January, 2005.
D. S. Teyhen, T. W. Flynn, A. C. Bovik, and L. D. Abraham, "Digital fluoroscopic video assessment of sagittal plane lumbar spine flexion," Spine , , vol. 13, no. 1, pp. E406-E413, January, 2005.
Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, H. R. Sheikh, and E. P. Simoncelli, "Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity 112. (Winner of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award for 2009)," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 600 - 612, April, 2004.
Z. Wang, L. Lu, and A. C. Bovik, "Video quality assessment based on structural distortion measurement," Signal Processing: Image Communication, special issue on Objective video quality metrics , vol. 19, no. 2, February, 2004.
Luck, B., Carlson, K., Collier, T. and Kung-Bin Sung, "Confocal microscopy," IEEE Potentials , vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 14-17, February, 2004.
S. Lee, C. Podilchuk, V. Krishnan and A.C. Bovik, "Foveation-based error resilience and unequal error protection over mobile networks," Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Special Issue on Multimedia Communications , vol. 34, no. 1/2, pp. 149-166, May, 2003.
H. R. Sheikh, B. L. Evans and A. C. Bovik, "Real-Time Foveation Techniques for Low Bit Rate Video Coding," Journal of Real-Time Imaging , vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 27-40, February, 2003.
Z. Wang, L. Lu and A. C. Bovik, "Foveation scalable video coding with automatic fixation selection," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing , vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 243-254, February, 2003.
S. Lee and A. C. Bovik, "Fast algorithms for foveated video processing," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 149 -162, February, 2003.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Efficient DCT-domain Blind Measurement and Reduction of Blocking Artifacts," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1139-1149, December, 2002.
U. Rajashekar, G. C. Panayi, F. P. Baumgartner, and A. C. Bovik, "The SIVA Demonstration Gallery for Signal, Image, and Video Processing Education," IEEE Transactions On Education , vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 323-335, November, 2002.
J. Ling, S.D. Weitman, M.A. Miller, R.V. Moore and A.C. Bovik, "Direct raman imaging techniques for studying the subcellular distribution of a drug," Applied Optics , vol. 41, no. 28, pp. 6006-6017, October, 2002.
Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "Bitplane-by-bitplane shift (BbBShift) - A suggestion for JPEG 2000 region of interest coding," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , , vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 160-162, May, 2002.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Local bandwidth constrained fast inverse motion compensation for DCT domain video transcoding," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , , vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 309 - 319, May, 2002.
J. Ling and A.C. Bovik, "Smoothing low SNR molecular images via anisotropic median-diffusion," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 377-384, April, 2002.
Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "A universal image quality index," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , , vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 81-84, March, 2002.
S. Lee, M.S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "Foveated video quality assessment," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia , vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 129-132, March, 2002.
Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "Embedded foveation image coding," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , , vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1397 -1410, October, 2001.
H.-T. Pai and A.C. Bovik, "On eigenstructure-based direct multichannel blind image restoration," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1434 -1446, October, 2001.
S. Lee, M. S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "Optimal rate control for real-time, low bitrate foveated video coding," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 977-992, July, 2001.
M.S. Pattichis, G. Panayi, A.C. Bovik and S.-P. Hsu, "Fingerprint classification using an AM-FM model," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , , vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 951-954, June, 2001.
S.T. Acton, D.P. Mukherjee, J.P. Havlicek and A.C. Bovik, "Oriented texture completion by AM-FM reaction-diffusion," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 885 -896, June, 2001.
M.S. Pattichis, A.C. Bovik, J.W. Havlicek and N.D. Sidiropoulos, "Multidimensional orthogonal FM transforms," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 448-464, March, 2001.
M. Pattichis, C. Pattichis, M. Avraam, A.C. Bovik and K. Kyriacou, "AM-FM Texture segmentation in electron microscopic muscle imaging," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 1253-1257, December, 2000.
T.D. Kite, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "A Fast, High-Quality Inverse Halftoning Algorithm for Error Diffused Halftones," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1583-1592, September, 2000.
T.D. Kite, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Modeling and quality assessment of halftoning by error diffusion," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 909-922, May, 2000.
J. Kim, A.C. Bovik and B.L. Evans, "Generalized predictive binary shape coding using polygonal approximation," Signal Processing: Image Communication , vol. 15, no. 7-8, pp. 643-663, May, 2000.
N. Damera-Venkata, T.D. Kite, W.S. Geisler, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Image quality assessment based on a degradation model," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 636-650, April, 2000.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "Multidimensional quasi-eigenfunction approximations and multicomponent AM-FM models," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 227-242, February, 2000.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Image segmentation by nonlinear locally monotonic reduction," Journal of Applied Signal Processing , vol. 6, pp. 42-54, December, 1999.
D. Craievich, B.S. Barnett and A.C. Bovik, "A stereo visual pattern image coding system," Image and Vision Computing , vol. 18, pp. 21-37, December, 1999.
T.-Y. Chen, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Stereoscopic ranging by matching image modulations," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 785-797, June, 1999.
N. Sidiropoulos, M.S. Pattichis, A.C. Bovik and J.W. Havlicek, "COPERM: Transform-domain energy compaction by optimal permutation," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1679-1688, June, 1999.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Piecewise and local image models for regularized image restoration using cross-validation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 652-665, May, 1999.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Comments on 'Subband coding of images using asymmetrical filter banks'," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 122-124, January, 1999.
W.N. Klarquist and A.C. Bovik, "FOVEA: A foveated, multi-fixation, vergent active stereo system for dynamic three-dimensional scene recovery," IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation , vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 755-770, October, 1998.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "Multicomponent multidimensional signals," Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing , vol. 9, pp. 391-398, October, 1998.
C. Yim and A.C. Bovik, "Multiresolution 3-D range segmentation using focus cues," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 1283-1299, September, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Generalized coiflets with nonzero-centered vanishing moments," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Special Issue on Multirate Systems, Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Applications , vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 988-1001, August, 1998.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Nonlinear image estimation using piecewise and local image models," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , vol. 7, no. 7, pp. 979-991, July, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Sampling approximation of smooth functions via generalized coiflets," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Theory and Applications of Filter Banks and Wavelets , vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1133-1998, April, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "On the instantaneous frequencies of multi-component AM-FM signals," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 84-86, April, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Enhancement of compressed images by optimal shift-invariant wavelet packet basis," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Special issue on High-Fidelity Media Processing , vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 15-24, March, 1998.
A.C. Bovik and R. Chellappa, "Image analysis and recognition," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine , pp. 33-34, March, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "On asymptotic convergence of the dual filters associated with two families of biorthogonal wavelets," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 2928-2940, December, 1997.
H.-T. Pai, A.C. Bovik and B.L. Evans, "Multichannel blind image restoration," Elektrik, Special Issue on Image Processing , vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 79-97, December, 1997.
D. Wei, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Loss of perfect reconstruction in multidimensional filter banks and wavelets designed via extended McClellan transformations," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 295-297, October, 1997.
H.-T. Pai and A.C. Bovik, "Exact multi-channel blind image restoration," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 217-220, August, 1997.
F.A. Merchant, K.R. Diller, S.J. Aggarwal, and A.C. Bovik, "Angiogenesis in cultured and cryopreserved pancreatic islet grafts," Transplantation , vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 1652-1660, June, 1997.
A.C. Bovik, J.P. Havlicek, M.D. Desai and D.S. Harding, "Limits on discrete modulated signals," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 867-879, April, 1997.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Viability analysis of cryopreserved rat pancreas islets using laser scanning confocal microscopy," Cryobiology , vol. 33, pp. 236-252, October, 1996.
P.L. Silsbee and A.C. Bovik, "Computer lipreading for improved accuracy in automatic speech recognition," IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing , vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 337-351, September, 1996.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "The multicomponent AM-FM image representation," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Special Issue on Nonlinear Image Processing , vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1094-1100, June, 1996.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Generalized deterministic annealing," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks , vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 686-699, May, 1996.
B.S. Barnett and A.C. Bovik, "Motion compensated visual pattern image sequence coding for full motion multisession videoconferencing on multimedia workstations," Journal of Electronic Imaging, Special Issue on Multimedia Systems , vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 129-143, April, 1996.
P. Maragos and A.C. Bovik, "Image amplitude and frequency demodulation using multidimensional energy separation," Journal of the Optical Society of America , vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1867-1876, September, 1995.
B.J. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Planar surface orientation from texture spatial frequencies," Pattern Recognition , vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 729-743, May, 1995.
B.J. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Shape from texture using local spectral moments," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol. PAMI-17, no. 4, pp. 333-343, April, 1995.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "In vivo analysis of angiogenesis and revascularization of transplanted pancreatic islets using confocal microscopy," Journal of Microscopy, Special Issue on 3-D Microscopy , vol. 176, no. 3, pp. 262-275, December, 1994.
A. Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, "On the statistical optimality of locally monotonic regression," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-42, no. 6, pp. 1548-1550, June, 1994.
A.C. Bovik and P. Maragos, "Conditions for positivity of an energy operator," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-42, no. 2, pp. 469-471, February, 1994.
A.C. Bovik, P. Maragos and T.F. Quatieri, "AM-FM energy detection and separation in noise using multiband energy operators," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Wavelets and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-41, no. 12, pp. 3245-3265, December, 1993.
A. Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, "Locally monotonic regression," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-41, no. 9, pp. 2796-2810, September, 1993.
P. L. Silsbee, A.C. Bovik and D. Chen, "Visual pattern image sequence coding," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology , vol. CAS-VT-3, no. 4, pp. 291-301, August, 1993.
K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik, S.J. Aggarwal and K.R. Diller, "The analysis of biological shape changes from multi-dimensional dynamic images," Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics , vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 89-99, May, 1993.
K.A. Bartels, R.H. Crawford, S. Das, S. Guduri, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and S.J. Aggarwal, "Fabricating macroscopic solid models of microscopic data by selective laser sintering," Journal of Microscopy, Special Issue on 3-D Microscopy , vol. 169, no. 3, pp. 383-389, March, 1993.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller, K.A. Bartels, and A.C. Bovik, "3-D distribution of damaged cells in cryopreserved pancreatic islets as determined by laser scanning confocal microscopy," Journal of Microscopy, Special Issue on 3-D Microscopy , vol. 169, no. 3, pp. 329-338, March, 1993.
A.C. Bovik, "Integral inequality bounding the weighted absolute deviation of an n-dimensional function," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. SP-40, no. 4, pp. 973-975, April, 1992.
D. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Hierarchical visual pattern image coding," IEEE Transactions on Communications , vol. COM-40, no. 4, pp. 671-675, April, 1992.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Using chromatic information in dense stereo correspondence," Pattern Recognition , vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 367-383, April, 1992.
A.C. Bovik, N. Gopal, T. Emmoth and A. Restrepo, "Localized measurement of emergent image frequencies by Gabor wavelets," Special Issue on Wavelet Transforms and Multiresolution Signal Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory , vol. IT-38, no. 3, pp. 691-712, March, 1992.
A.C. Bovik, "Three-dimensional microscopy," Machine Vision and Applications , vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 211-213, December, 1991.
A.C. Bovik, "A bound involving n-dimensional instantaneous frequency," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems , vol. CAS-38, no. 11, pp. 1389-1390, November, 1991.
C. Lee, D.O. Wipf, A.J. Bard, K.A. Bartels and A.C. Bovik, "Scanning electrochemical microscopy. 11. Improvement of image resolution by digital processing techniques," Analytic Chemistry , vol. 63, no. 21, pp. 2442-2447, November, 1991.
A.C. Bovik, "Analysis of multichannel narrowband filters for image texture segmentation," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol. SP-39, no. 9, pp. 2025-2043, September, 1991.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Using chromatic information in edge-based stereo correspondence," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: Image Understanding , vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 98-188, July, 1991.
B.J. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Localized measurement of image fractal dimension using Gabor filters," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation , vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 114-128, June, 1991.
L. Naaman and A.C. Bovik, "Least-squares order statistic filters for signal restoration," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems , vol. CAS-38, no. 3, pp. 244-257, March, 1991.
C.Y.J. Yip, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Multiple sites arteriolar vasomotion measurement using digital image analysis," Microvascular Research , vol. 41, pp. 73-83, January, 1991.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Feature classification techniques in model-based object recognition," International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology , vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 329-344, December, 1990.
J.R. Jordan, W.S. Geisler and A.C. Bovik, "Color as a source of information in the stereo correspondence process," Vision Research , vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1955-1970, December, 1990.
D. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Visual pattern image coding," IEEE Transactions on Communications (winner of 1990 MCC Award for Excellence in Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering) , vol. COM-38, no. 12, pp. 2137-2146, December, 1990.
R. A. Brooks and A.C. Bovik, "Robust techniques for edge detection in multiplicative Weibull image noise," Pattern Recognition , vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1047-1057, October, 1990.
N.H. Kim, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "3-D model of vascular network in rat skin obtained by stereo vision techniques," Journal of Microscopy, Special Issue on 3-D Microscopy , vol. 154, no. 4, pp. 275-284, May, 1990.
N.H. Kim, A.C. Bovik and S.J. Aggarwal, "Shape description of biological objects via stereo light microscopy," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , vol. SMC-20, no. 2, pp. 475-489, March, 1990.
A.C. Bovik, M. Clark and W.S. Geisler, "Multichannel texture analysis using localized spatial filters," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol. PAMI-12, no. 1, pp. 55-73, January, 1990.
M. Clark and A.C. Bovik, "Experiments in segmenting texton patterns using localized spatial filters," Pattern Recognition , vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 707-717, December, 1989.
F. Macias-Garza, K.R. Diller, A.C. Bovik, S.J. Aggarwal and J.K. Aggarwal, "Obtaining a solid model from optical serial sections," Pattern Recognition , vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 577-586, November, 1989.
L. Naaman and A.C. Bovik, "Least-squares order statistic filters with coefficient censoring," Signal Processing , vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 139-152, October, 1989.
J. Y. Jou and A.C. Bovik, "Improved initial approximation and intensity-guided discontinuity detection in visible-surface reconstruction," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing , vol. 47, pp. 292-326, August, 1989.
H.G. Longbotham and A.C. Bovik, "Theory of order statistic filters and their relationship to linear FIR filters," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-37, no. 2, pp. 275-287, February, 1989.
H. G. Longbotham and A.C. Bovik, "Comments on 'The analog median filter'," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems , vol. CAS-36, no. 2, pp. 310, February, 1989.
N.H. Kim, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and J.K. Aggarwal, "Stereoscopic analysis of shape changes in solanum tuberosa slices under osmotic shock," European Journal of Cell Biology , vol. 48, pp. 21-24, February, 1989.
F. Macias-Garza, K.R. Diller, A.C. Bovik, S.J. Aggarwal and J.K. Aggarwal, "Improvement in the resolution of 3D data sets collected using optical serial sectioning," Journal of Microscopy, Special Issue on 3-D Microscopy , vol. 153, no. 2, pp. 205-221, February, 1989.
D.D. Kerrick and A.C. Bovik, "Microprocessor-based recognition of handprinted characters from a tablet input," Pattern Recognition , vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 525-537, December, 1988.
N.H. Kim and A.C. Bovik, "A contour-based stereo matching algorithm using disparity continuity," Pattern Recognition , vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 505-514, November, 1988.
A.C. Bovik, "On detecting edges in speckle imagery," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-36, no. 10, pp. 1618-1627, October, 1988.
C.-C. Chu and A.C. Bovik, "Visible surface reconstruction via local minimax approximation," Pattern Recognition , vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 303-312, September, 1988.
A. Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, "Adaptive trimmed mean filters for image restoration," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-36, no. 8, pp. 1326-1337, August, 1988.
F. Macias-Garza, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller, S.J. Aggarwal and J.K. Aggarwal, "Digital reconstruction of three-dimensional serially sectioned optical images," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-36, no. 7, pp. 1067-1075, July, 1988.
A. Restrepo, and A.C. Bovik, "On the generation of random numbers from heavy-tailed distributions," Proceedings of the IEEE , vol. 76, no. 7, pp. 838-840, July, 1988.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Computational stereo using color," Cover Paper of Special Issue on Machine Vision and Image Understanding, IEEE Control Systems Magazine , vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 31-36, June, 1988.
F. Macias-Garza, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "Missing cone of frequencies and low-pass distortion in 3-D microscopic images," Optical Engineering , vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 461-465, June, 1988.
S.H. Kim, K.T. Park and A.C. Bovik, "Recognition of Korean isolated digits using a pole-zero model," Journal of the Korean Acoustical Society , vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 356-365, June, 1988.
M. Clark, A.C. Bovik and W.S. Geisler, "Texture segmentation using Gabor modulation/ demodulation," Pattern Recognition Letters , vol. 6, pp. 261-267, September, 1987.
A.C. Bovik and A. Restrepo, "Spectral properties of moving L-estimates of independent data sequences," Journal of the Franklin Institute , vol. 324, no. 1, pp. 125-137, July, 1987.
N.H. Kim, A.B. Wysocki, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "A microcomputer-based vision system for area measurement," Computers in Biology and Medicine , vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 173-183, June, 1987.
A.C. Bovik, "Streaking in median filtered images," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-35, no. 4, pp. 493-503, April, 1987.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "The effect of median filtering on edge estimation and detection," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , vol. PAMI-9, no. 2, pp. 181-194, March, 1987.
A.C. Bovik and D.C. Munson, "Optimal detection of object boundaries in uncorrelated speckle," Optical Engineering , vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1246-1252, November, 1986.
J.K. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Computer vision and image processing research at the University of Texas at Austin," Image and Vision Computing , vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 219-222, November, 1986.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "Nonparametric tests for edge detection in noise," Pattern Recognition , vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 209-219, May, 1986.
A.C. Bovik and D.C. Munson, "Edge detection using median comparisons," Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing , vol. 33, pp. 377-389, March, 1986.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "Edge-sensitive image restoration using order-constrained least-squares methods," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-33, no. 4, pp. 1253-1263, October, 1985.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "A generalization of median filtering using linear combinations of order statistics," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , vol. ASSP-31, no. 6, pp. 1342-1350, December, 1983.
Conference Publications
H. E. Gedik, A. K. Venkataramanan, A. C. Bovik, "Joint Deep Image Restoration and Unsupervised Quality Assessment," Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) , Santa Fe, NM, USA, pp. 129-132, March, 2024.
A. K. Venkataramanan, A. C. Bovik, "Quality Modeling Under A Relaxed Natural Scene Statistics Model," Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) , Santa Fe, NM, USA, pp. 65-68, March, 2024.
Z. Shang, J. P. Ebenezer, A. C. Bovik, Y. Wu, H. Wei, S. Sethuraman, "Subjective Assessment Of High Dynamic Range Videos Under Different Ambient Conditions," Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , pp. 786-790, October, 2022.
A. K. Venkataramanan, C. Stejerean, A. C. Bovik, "FUNQUE: Fusion of Unified Quality Evaluators," Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , October, 2022.
A. K. Venkataramanan, M. Facktor, P. Gupta, A. C. Bovik, "Assessing the impact of image quality on object-detection algorithms," Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Imaging , January, 2022.
X.Yu, Z. Tu, Z. Ying, N. Birkbeck, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli, and A. C. Bovik, "Subjective Quality Assessment of User-Generated Content Gaming Videos," Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision , pp. 74-83, January, 2022.
P. C. Madhusudana, N. Birkbeck, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli, A. C. Bovik, "High Frame Rate Video Quality Assessment using VMAF and Entropic Differences," Picture Coding Symposium , June, 2021.
Z. Shang, J. P. Ebenezer, A. C. Bovik, Y. Wu, H. Wei, S. Sethuraman, "Assessment of Subjective and Objective Quality of Live Streaming Sports Videos," Proceedings of the 2021 Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) , June, 2021.
Z. Ying, M. Mandal, D. Ghadiyaram and A. C. Bovik, "Patch-VQ: ‘Patching Up’ the Video Quality Problem," Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , pp. 14014-14024, June, 2021.
D. Lee, H. Ko, J. Kim and A. C. Bovik, "Video Quality Model for Space-Time Resolution Adaptation," 2020 IEEE 4th International Conference on Image Processing, Applications and Systems (IPAS) , Genova, Italy, pp. 34-39, December, 2020.
L.-H. Chen, C. G. Bampis, Z. Li and A. C. Bovik, "Learning to Distort Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 27, pp. 2144-2148, November, 2020.
A. K. Venkataramanan, C. Wu and A. C. Bovik, "Optimizing Video Quality Estimation Across Resolutions," 2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) , Tampere, pp. 1-5, September, 2020.
J. P. Ebenezer, Z. Shang, Y. Wu, H. Wei and A. C. Bovik, "No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Space-Time Chips," 2020 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) , Tampere, Finland, pp. 1-6, September, 2020.
Z. Tu, C. -J. Chen, L. -H. Chen, N. Birkbeck, B. Adsumilli and A. C. Bovik, "A Comparative Evaluation Of Temporal Pooling Methods For Blind Video Quality Assessment," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , pp. 141-145, September, 2020.
Z. Ying, H. Niu, P. Gupta, D. Mahajan, D. Ghadiyaram, A. C. Bovik, "From patches to pictures (PaQ-2-PiQ): Mapping the perceptual space of picture quality," Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , pp. 3572–3582, June, 2020.
Z. Tu, J. Lin, Y. Wang, B. Adsumilli and A. C. Bovik, "BBAND INDEX: A NO-REFERENCE BANDING ARTIFACT PREDICTOR," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , pp. 2712-2716, April, 2020.
Z. Sinno, A. C. Bovik, "Large Scale Subjective Video Quality Study," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2018) , Athens, Greece, October, 2018.
Z. Sinno, A. C. Bovik, "Predicting 3D Visual Discomfort using Natural Scene Statistics and a Binocular Model," SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications (OP18O) , San Diego, CA, August, 2018.
X.Yu, C.G.Bampis, P.Gupta, A.C.Bovik, "Predicting the quality of images compressed after distortion in two steps," Applications of Digital Image Processing XLI, Proceedings of SPIE , San Diego, CA, vol. 10752, August, 2018.
Z. Sinno, A. Moorthy, J. De Cock, Z. Li, A. C. Bovik, "Quality Assessment of Thumbnail and Billboard Images on Mobile Devices," The 33rd Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) , San Francisco, CA, June, 2018.
Z. Sinno, A. C. Bovik, "On the Natural Statistics of Chromatic Images," The 2018 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) , Las Vegas, NV, April, 2018.
Z. Sinno, C. Caramanis, A. C. Bovik, "Second Order Natural Scene Statistics Model of Blind Image Quality Assessment," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018) , Calgary, Canada, April, 2018.
P. Gupta, C. Bampis, Y. Jin and A. C. Bovik, "Natural Scene Statistics for Noise Estimation," The 2018 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) , Las Vegas, NV, April, 2018.
C. Kwan, B. Budavari, G. Marchiso and A.C. Bovik, "On pansharpening and blind quality assessment of pansharpened WorldView-3 images," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1835-1839, October, 2017.
C. Bampis, P. Gupta, R. Soundararajan and A.C. Bovik, "SpEED-QA: Spatial efficient entropic differencing for image and video quality," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1333-1337, September, 2017.
C. Bampis and A.C. Bovik, "Continuous prediction of streaming video QoE using dynamic networks," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 1083-1087, July, 2017.
T. Goodall, A.C. Bovik, Z. Li, A. Aaron and I. Katsavounidis, "Blind picture upscaling ratio prediction," IEEE Signal Processing Letters , vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 1801-1805, December, 2016.
L. K. Choi and A. C. Bovik, "Flicker sensitive motion tuned video quality assessment," IEEE Southwest Symposium Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) 2016 , Santa Fe, NM, pp. 29-32, March, 2016.
Z. Sinno, A. C. Bovik, "Relating Spatial and Spectral Models of Relating Spatial and Spectral Models of Oriented Bandpass Natural Images," The 2016 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) , Santa Fe, NM, March, 2016.
L. K. Choi and A. C. Bovik, "Perceptual flicker visibility prediction model," IS&T Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI) , San Francisco, CA, pp. 1-6, February, 2016.
Z. Sinno and A. C. Bovik, "Generalizing a closed-form correlation model of oriented bandpass natural images," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) 2015 , Orlando, FL, pp. 373-377, December, 2015.
L. K. Choi and A. C. Bovik, "Eccentricity effect of motion silencing on naturalistic videos," IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) 2015 , Orlando, FL, pp. 1190-1194, December, 2015.
L. K. Choi, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "Visibility prediction of flicker distortions on naturalistic videos," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers 2014 , Pacific Grove, CA, November, 2014.
D. Ghadiyaram and A. C. Bovik, "Crowdsourced Study of Subjective Image Quality," Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 5, November, 2014.
H. Yeganeh, R. Kordasiewicz, M. Gallant, D. Ghadiyaram and A. C. Bovik , "Delivery Quality Score Model for Internet Video," International Conference of Image Processing , Paris, France, pp. 4, October, 2014.
L. K. Choi, J. You, and A. C. Bovik, "Prediction of perceived fog density and defogging of natural foggy images," Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) 2014 , St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2014.
L. K. Choi, J. You, and A. C. Bovik, "Referenceless perceptual image defogging," IEEE Southwest Symposium Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI) 2014 , San Diego, CA, April, 2014.
L. K. Choi, J. You, and A. C. Bovik, "Referenceless perceptual fog density prediction model," SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI) XIX, 90140H , San Francisco, CA, February, 2014.
L. K. Choi, Y. Liao, B. O Mahony, J. R. Foerster, and A. C. Bovik, "Extending the validity scope of ITU-T P.1202.2," Eighth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics (VPQM) 2014 , Chandler, AZ, January, 2014.
L. K. Choi, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "On the visibility of flicker distortions in naturalistic videos," IEEE Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) 2013 , Klagenfurt am Worthersee, Austria, July, 2013.
L. K. Choi, A. C. Bovik, L. K. Cormack, "Motion silences the perception of changing image quality in naturalistic videos," Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) 2013 , Naples, FL, May, 2013.
A. Mittal, R. Soundararajan, G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik and J. Ghosh, "Blind image quality assessment without training on human opinion scores," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Francisco, California, February, 2013.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "A survey of 3D quality of experience and 3D quality assessment," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, California , San Francisco, California, February, 2013.
M. A. Saad, A.C. Bovik and C. Charrier, "Blind prediction of natural video quality and H.264 applications," International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics , Scottsdale, Arizona, January, 2013.
M. Saad and A. C. Bovik, "Blind quality assessment of videos using a model of natural scene statistics and motion coherency," Forty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, November, 2012.
M.-J. Chen, C.-C. Su, D.-K. Kwon, L. K. Cormack and A. C. Bovik, "Full-reference quality assessment of stereoscopic images by modeling binocular rivalry," Forty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey. California, November, 2012.
A. Mittal, A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "Making image quality assessment robust," Forty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, November, 2012.
D. Jayaraman, A. Mittal, A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "Objective quality assessment of multiply distorted images," Forty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, November, 2012.
G. S. Muralidhar, A. C. Bovik and M. Markey, "A new singularity index," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Orlando, Florida, September, 2012.
M.-J. Chen, D.-K. Kwon, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Optimizing 3D image display using the stereoacuity function," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Orlando, Florida, September, 2012.
G. S. Muralidhar, A. Gopinath, A. C. Bovik and A. Ben-Yakar, "Active segmentation of 3D axonal images," Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , San Diego, California, August, 2012.
J. Lee, A. C. Bovik and M. K. Markey, "Correlation between structural and color changes in 3D facial images of head and neck cancer patients following reconstructive surgery," Annual Congress and Exposition on Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery , Pisa, Italy, June, 2012.
A.K. Moorthy,L.K Choi, Veciana and A.C. Bovik, "Mobile video quality assessment database," IEEE ICC workshop on realizing advanced video optimized wireless networks , Ottawa,Canada, June, 2012.
L.K.Choi, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "A flicker detector model of the motion silencing illusion," Twelfth Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society , Naples,Florida, May, 2012.
M.Saad, A.Mittal, A.C. Bovik and L.K.Cormack, "Three dimensional natural scene statistics:dependencies between luminance and range contrasts," Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society , Naples,Florida, May, 2012.
A.Mittal,R.Soundararajan,G.Muralidhar,J.Ghosh and A.C.Bovik, "Unnaturalness modeling of image distortions," Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society , Naples,Florida, May, 2012.
C.C.Su, A.C.Bovik and L.K.Cormack, "Estimating range from luminance," Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society , Naples,Florida, May, 2012.
R.Raj and A.C. Bovik, "A non linear compound representation of sea clutter," IEEE Radar conference , Atlanta,Georgia, May, 2012.
A.Gopinath and A.C. Bovik, "Generating a statistical shape model of the AIDS virus spike," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa-Fe, New Mexico, April, 2012.
C.C. Su, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Statistical model of color and disparity with application to bayesian stereopsis," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, New Mexico, April, 2012.
M.J. Chen, D.K. Kwon and A.C. Bovik, "Study of subject agreement on stereoscopic video quality," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, New Mexico, April, 2012.
R.Raj and A.C. Bovik, "The multilinear compound gaussian distribution," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Kyoto, Japan, March, 2012.
G.S.Muralidhar,T.Ganapathi, A.C. Bovik, M.K. Markey T.M. Haygood, T.W. Stephens and Gary J. Whitman, "Stereoscopic versus monoscopic detection of masses on breast tomosynthesis projection images," SPIE Medical Imaging Conference , February, 2012.
A.Mittal, A.K.Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic parameter prediction for image denoising using perceptual quality features," SPIE conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Francisco, California, January, 2012.
A.K. Moorthy,L.K Choi, Veciana and A.C. Bovik, "Subjective analysis of video quality on mobile devices," International workshop on video processing and quality metrics for consumer electronics , Scottsdale, Arizona, January, 2012.
G.S.Muralidhar,M.K.Markey,A.C. Bovik,T.W. Stephens,T.M. Haygood, W. Geiser,N. Garg and Gary J. Whitman, "Stereoscopic characterization of breast masses and tissues on tomosynthesis projection images," Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, , Chicago, Illinois, November, 2011.
A.Mittal, A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator," Forty-fifth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers , November, 2011.
M.A. Saad, C. Charrier and A.C. Bovik, "DCT statistics model-based blind image quality assessment," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Brussels, Belgium, September, 2011.
C. Chao, R.W. Heath, A.C. Bovik and G. de Veciana, "Adaptive policies for real-time video transmission: A Markov decision process framework," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Brussels, Belgium, September, 2011.
J. Park, K. Seshadrinathan, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Spatio-temporal quality pooling accounting for transient severe impairments and egomotion," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Brussels, Belgium, September, 2011.
C. Charrier, K. Knoblauch, L.T. Maloney and A.C. Bovik, "Calibrating MS-SSIM for compression distortions using MLDS," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Brussels, Belgium, September, 2011.
C.-C. Su, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Natural scene statistics of color and range," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Brussels, Belgium, September, 2011.
S. Lee, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "image transmission over visual sensor networks," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Brussels, Belgium, September, 2011.
A. Mittal, A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic prediction of saliency on JPEG distorted images," International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience , Mechelen, Belgium, September, 2011.
C. Charrier, K. Knoblauch, L.T. Maloney and A.C. Bovik, "Calibration de la metrique MS-SSIM pour les distorsions de compression a l?aide d?une echelle des differences," Colloque GRETSI , Bordeaux, France, September, 2011.
N. Verma, G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, M.C. Cowperthwait and M.K. Markey, "Model-driven, probabilistic level set based segmentation of magnetic resonance images of the brain," 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , Boston, Massachusetts, August, 2011.
G.S. Muralidhar, M. Markey, A. Bovik, T. Stephens, T. Haywood, W. Geiser, N. Garg and G. Whitman, "Stereoscopic viewing of tomosynthesis projection images," Medical Image Perception Conference , Dublin, Ireland, August, 2011.
A. C. Bovik, "Perceiving distortions in visual signals," Keynote Address Paper, Third European Workshop on Visual Information Processing , Paris, France, July, 2011.
M.-J. Chen, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Study on distortion conspicuity in stereoscopically viewed 3D images," IEEE Signal Processing Society IVMSP Workshop on Perception and Visual Signal Analysis , Ithaca, New York, June, 2011.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "H.264 visually lossless compressibility index: Psychophysics and algorithm design," IEEE Signal Processing Society IVMSP Workshop on Perception and Visual Signal Analysis , Ithaca, New York, June, 2011.
R. Soundararajan and A.C. Bovik, "RRED indices: Reduced reference entropic differencing framework for image quality assessment," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Prague, Czech Republic, May, 2011.
K. Seshadrinathan and A.C. Bovik, "Temporal hysteresis model of time-varying subjective video quality," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Prague, Czech Republic, May, 2011.
C.-C. Su, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Natural scene statistics of color and range," Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society , Naples, Florida, May, 2011.
Y. Liu, L.K.Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Supra-threshold luminance and range discontinuities in natural scenes," Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society , Naples, Florida, May, 2011.
A. Mittal, A.K. Moorthy, W.S. Geisler and A.C. Bovik, "Task dependence of visual attention on compressed videos: Point of gaze statistics and analysis," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Francisco, California, January, 2011.
A. Mittal, A.K. Moorthy, J. Ghosh and A.C. Bovik, "Algorithmic assessment of 3D quality of experience for images and videos," IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop , Sedona, Arizona, January, 2011.
A.K. Hu, G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik, and M.K. Markey, "Computer-aided detection of spiculated masses," Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting , Austin, Texas, October, 2010.
A.K. Moorthy, A. Mittal, S. Jahanbin, K. Grauman and A.C. Bovik, "3-D facial similarity: Automatic assessment versus perceptual judgments," IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems , Washington DC, September, 2010.
G.S. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Snakules: Snakes that seek spicules on mammography," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Hongkong, China, September, 2010.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "A framework for blind image quality assessmen," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Hongkong, China, September, 2010.
R. Raj and A.C. Bovik, "A fast Multilinear ICA algorithm," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Hongkong, China, September, 2010.
M. A. Saad and A.C. Bovik, "Natural DCT statistics approach to no-reference image quality assessment," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Hongkong, China, September, 2010.
J. Park, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Temporal pooling of video quality estimates using perceptual motion models," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Hongkong, China, September, 2010.
A. C. Bovik, "Blind image quality assessment is not impossible," Plenary Talk paper, Optical Society of America Conference on Digital Image Processing and Analysis , Tuscon, Arizona, June, 2010.
S. Gupta, K.R. Castleman, M.K. Markey and A.C. Bovik, "The Texas 3D Face Recognition Database," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, Texas, May, 2010.
T.R. Coffman and A.C. Bovik, "Multi-view stereo ranging via distributed ray tracing," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, Texas, May, 2010.
G.S. Muralidhar, M.K. Markey and A.C. Bovik, "Snakules for automated classification of spiculated masses on mammography," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, Texas, May, 2010.
S. Lee, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Maximizing image quality over Visual Sensor Networks via DCT bit allocation," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, Texas, May, 2010.
G. Freeman, A.C. Bovik and J.W. HolT, "Automated detection of near surface martian ice layers in orbital radar data," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, Texas, May, 2010.
R. Larcom and T.R. Coffman, "Foveated image formation through Compressive Sensing," Proc. IEEE Southwest Symp. on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, TX, USA, May, 2010.
Y. Liu, L. K. Cormack and A. C. Bovik, "Natural scene statistics at stereo fixations," Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications , Austin, Texas, March, 2010.
M. J. Chen and A. C. Bovik, "Fast structural similarity index algorithm," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing , Dallas, Texas, March, 2010.
A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "Statistics of Natural Image Distortions," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing , Dallas, Texas, March, 2010.
C. Charrier, K. Knoblauch, A.K. Moorthy, A.C. Bovik and L.T. Maloney, "Comparison of image quality assessment algorithms on compressed images," SPIE Conference on Image Quality and System Performance , San Jose, California, January, 2010.
K. Seshadrinathan, R. Soundararajan, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "A subjective study to evaluate video quality assessment algorithms," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, January, 2010.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Efficient motion weighted spatio-temporal video SSIM index," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, January, 2010.
A.K. Moorthy, W.S. Geisler and A.C. Bovik, "Evaluating the task dependence of eye movements for compressed videos," Fifth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics , Scottsdale, Arizona, January, 2010.
J. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Estimation and analysis of urban traffic flow," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Cairo, Egypt, November, 2009.
J. Park, U. Jang, S. Lee and A.C. Bovik, "Optimal power allocation for minimizing visual distortion over MIMO communication channels," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Cairo, Egypt, November, 2009.
A.K. Moorthy and A.C. Bovik, "A Motion Compensated Approach to Video Quality Assessment," Forty-Third Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, November, 2009.
R. Soundararajan, A.C. Bovik and S. Vishwanath, "Statistical modeling of multi-camera images," Forty-Third Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, November, 2009.
S. Jahanbin, A.C. Bovik, E. Perez and D. Nair, "Automatic inspection of textured surfaces with support vector machines," SPIE Conference on Optics and Photonics , San Diego, California, August, 2009.
M.J. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "No-reference blur assessment using multi-scale gradient," First International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience , San Diego, California, July, 2009.
M.A. Saad and A.C. Bovik, "Natural motion statistics for no-reference video quality assessment," First International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience , San Diego, California, July, 2009.
W. Malpica and A.C. Bovik, "Range image quality assessment by structural similarity," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , Taipei, Taiwan, April, 2009.
S. Dubuque T.R. Coffman, C.W. Thomas, A.C. Bovik and P.M. McCarley, "A comparison of foveated acquisition and tracking performance relative to uniform resolution approaches," SPIE Conference on Defense, Security, & Sensing, Bio-Inspired/Biomimetic Sensor Technologies and Applications , Orlando, Florida, April, 2009.
A. K. Moorthy and A. C. Bovik, "Perceptually significant spatial pooling strategies for image quality assessment," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, January, 2009.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Motion-based Perceptual Quality Assessment of Video," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, January, 2009.
Y. Liu, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Luminance, disparity, and range statistics in 3D natural scenes," SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, January, 2009.
C. Li and A. C. Bovik, "Three-Component Weighted Structural Similarity Index," SPIE Conference on Image Quality and System Performance , San Jose, California, January, 2009.
W. Malpica and A.C. Bovik, "SSIM based range image quality assessment," Fourth International orkshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics , Scottsdale, Arizona, January, 2009.
G.S. Muralidhar, S. Channappayya, J.H. Slater, E.M. Blinka, A.C. Bovik, W. Frey and M.K. Markey, "Comparison of pre-processing techniques for fluorescence microscopy images of cells labeled for actin," American Medical Information Annual Symposium , Washington D. C., November, 2008.
S. S. Channapayya , A. C. Bovik and R. W. Heath Jr., "Perceptual Soft Thresholding using the Structural Similarity Index," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Diego, California, pp. 569-572, October, 2008.
R.G. Raj, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Fixture selection by maximization of texture and contrast information," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Diego, California, pp. 697-700, October, 2008.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Unifying analysis of full reference image quality assessment," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Diego, California, pp. 1200-1203, October, 2008.
S. Jahanbin, H. Choi, R. Jahanbin and A. C. Bovik, "Automated facial feature detection and face recognition using gabor features on range and potrait images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Diego, California, pp. 2768-2771, October, 2008.
S. Jahanbin, H. Choi, Y. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Three dimensional face recognition using Iso-Geodesic and Iso-Depth curves," IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems , Arlington, Virginia, September, 2008.
R. Jahanbin, G.S. Muralidhar, M.P. Sampat, T.M. Haygood, T.W. Stephens, G.J. Whitman, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Characterization of true and false positive locations of spiculated lesions on mammography," American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting , Minneapolis, Minnesota, July, 2008.
R.G. Raj, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Low-level fixation search in natural scenes by optimal extraction of contrast-texture information," Vision Sciences Eighth Annual Meeting , Naples, Florida, May, 2008.
Y. Liu, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Relationship between Helmholtz shear of vertical meridians and disparity statistics in natural scenes," Vision Sciences Eighth Annual Meeting , Naples, Florida, May, 2008.
A. Tavassoli, I. van der Linde, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Selectivity for multiple orientations in visual search," Vision Sciences Eighth Annual Meeting , Naples, Florida, May, 2008.
S.S. Channappayya, A.C. Bovik, C. Caramanis and R.W. Heath Jr., "SSIM-optimal linear image restoration," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Las Vegas, Nevada, March, 2008.
T.R. Coffman and A.C. Bovik, "Fast computation of dense stereo correspondences by stochastic sampling of match quality," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Las Vegas, Nevada, March, 2008.
S.S. Channappayya, A.C. Bovik, R.W. Heath Jr. and C. Caramanis, "Rate bounds on the SSIM index of quantized DCT coefficients," Data Compression Conference , Snowbird, Utah, March, 2008.
T.L. Arnow and A.C. Bovik, "Foveated object recognition using corners," Eighth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, New Mexico, March, 2008.
R. Jahanbin, M.P. Sampat, G. Muralidhar, A.C. Bovik and M.K. Markey, "Automated region of interest detection of spiculated mammograms," Eighth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, New Mexico, March, 2008.
S. Jahanbin, A.C. Bovik and H. Choi, "Automated facial feature detection from portrait and range images (Invited Paper)," Eighth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, New Mexico, March, 2008.
J. Monaco, A.C. Bovik and L.K. Cormack, "Stereoscopic phase-differencing: Multiscale synthesis," Eighth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, New Mexico, March, 2008.
R. Soundararajan, K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Quality assessment of digital videos," Texas Instruments Developers' Conference on Consumer Electronics , Dallas, Texas, February, 2008.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Multi-scale and scalable video quality assessment," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics , Las Vegas, Nevada, January, 2008.
A. C. Bovik, "New directions in image and video quality assessment," IEEE Signal Processing Society International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing , Crete, Greece, October, 2007.
R. G. Raj, A. C. Bovik and W. S. Geisler, "Non-stationarity detection in natural images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Antonio, Texas, September, 2007.
J. Monaco, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Epipolar spaces and optimal sampling strategies," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Antonio, Texas, September, 2007.
J. Monaco, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Epipolar spaces for active binocular vision systems," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Antonio, Texas, September, 2007.
S. Jahanbin, H. Choi, A. C. Bovik and K. R. Castleman, "Three dimensional face recognition using wavelet decomposition of range images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , San Antonio, Texas, September, 2007.
S. Gupta, J.K. Aggarwal, M.K. Markey and A.C. Bovik, "3D face recognition founded on the structural diversity of human faces," IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Minneapolis, Minnesota, June, 2007.
Y. Liu, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Disparity statistics at point of gaze in 3D natural scenes," Vision Sciences Seventh Annual Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, May, 2007.
S. Gupta, M. K. Markey and A. C. Bovik, "Advancing the state of the art in 3D human face recognition," SPIE Newsroom , May, 2007.
R. G. Raj and A. C. Bovik, "The Multilinear ICA decomposition with applications to NSS modelling," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Honlulu, Hawaii, April, 2007.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "A structural similarity metric for video based on motion models," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Honolulu, Hawaii, April, 2007.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Image and video quality assessment," Texas Instruments Developers Conference , Dallas, Texas, March, 2007.
S. Gupta, M. P. Sampat, Z. Wang, M. K. Markey and A. C. Bovik, "Facial range image matching using the complex wavelet structural similarity metric," IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision , Austin, Texas, February, 2007.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "New vistas in image and video quality assessment," SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, January, 2007.
S Gupta, M. K. Markey, J. K. Aggarwal and A. C. Bovik, "3D face recognition based on geodesic distances," SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing , San Jose, California, January, 2007.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "An information theoretic video quality metric based on motion models," Third International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics , Scottsdale, Arizona, January, 2007.
H. Choi, K. R. Castleman, and A.C. Bovik, "Segmentation and fuzzy-logic classification of M-FISH chromosome images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Atlanta, Georgia, vol. , no. , pp. , October, 2006.
S. S. Channappayya, A. C. Bovik, and R. W. Heath, "Design of a linear image estimator optimized for the structural similarity index and its application to image denoising," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Atlanta, Georgia, vol. , no. , pp. , October, 2006.
M. P. Sampat, Z. Wang, G. J. Whitman, T. Stephens, M. K. Markey and A. C. Bovik, "Measuring intra- and inter-observer agreement in identifying and localizing structures in medical images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Atlanta, Georgia, vol. , no. , pp. , October, 2006.
U. Rajashekar, I. van der Linde, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Foveated analysis and selection of visual fixations in natural scenes," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Atlanta, Georgia, vol. , no. , pp. , October, 2006.
H. Choi and A. C. Bovik and K. R. Castleman, "Maximum-likelihood decomposition of overlapping and touching M-FISH chromosomes using geometry, size and color information," Twenty-Eighth Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Society , New York, New York, August, 2006.
U. Rajashekar and T. Arnow and A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Gaze-centric image analysis for visual search," SPIE Newsroom , June, 2006.
M. P. Sampat, A. C. Bovik, M. K. Markey, G. J. Whitman, and T. W. Stephens, "Toroidal Gaussian Filters for Detection and Extraction of Properties of Spiculated Masses," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Toulouse, France, vol. , no. , pp. , May, 2006.
M. F. Sabir, R. W. Heath, and A. C. Bovik, "Joint source-channel distortion modelling for MPEG-4 video," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Toulouse, France, vol. , no. , pp. , May, 2006.
I. van der Linde, A. Tavassoli, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "Classification images reveal observer templates underlying the direct tilt illusion," Vision Sciences Sixth Annual Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 451a, May, 2006.
U. Rajashekar, I. van der Linde, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Statistical analysis and selection of visual fixations," Vision Sciences Sixth Annual Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 496a, May, 2006.
A. Tavassoli, I. van der Linde, A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack, "Noise unveils spatial frequency and orientation selectivity during visual search," Vision Sciences Sixth Annual Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 450a, May, 2006.
H. Choi, S. Cheng, Q. Wu, K. R. Castleman, and A.C. Bovik, "Extended depth of focus using adjacent plane deblurring and MPP wavelet fusion for microscope images," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging , Arlington, Virginia, vol. , no. , pp. , April, 2006.
K. Seshadrinathan and A. C. Bovik, "Statistical video models and their application to quality assessment (Invited Paper)," Second International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics , Scottsdale, Arizona,, vol. , no. , pp. , January, 2006.
T. L. Arnow and A. C. Bovik, "Finding Corners in Images by Foveated Search," Accepted to IS&T/SPIE Eighteenth Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging , San Jose, California, vol. , no. , pp. , January, 2006.
M. F. Sabir, R. W. Heath Jr. and A. C. Bovik, "Unequal power allocation for JPEG transmission over MIMO systems," Thirty-Ninth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, October, 2005.
T. R. Coffman, B. L. Evans and A. C. Bovik, "Halftoning-inspired methods for foveation in variable-acuity superpixel imager cameras," Thirty-Ninth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, vol. , no. , pp. , October, 2005.
S. S. Channappayya, J. Lee, R. W. Heath Jr., and A. C. Bovik, "Frame based multiple description image coding in the wavelet domain," Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Genova, Italy, vol. 3, pp. 920-923, September, 2005.
K. Seshadrinathan, H. R. Sheikh, and A. C. Bovik, "Detecting Spread Spectrum Watermarks using Natural Scene Statistics," Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Genova, Italy, vol. 3, pp. 1106 - 1109, September, 2005.
R. G. Raj, W. S. Geisler, R. A. Frazor, and A. C. Bovik, "Natural contrast statistics and the selection of visual fixations," Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Genova, Italy, vol. 3, pp. 1152-1155, September, 2005.
M. P. Sampat, M. K. Markey and A. C. Bovik, "Evidence based detection of spiculated lesions and architectural distortions," Fourth Era of Hope 2005 Department of Defense (DoD) Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, vol. , no. , pp. , June, 2005.
D. S. Teyhen, T. W. Flynn, A. C. Bovik, and L. D. Abraham, "A new technique for digital fluoroscopic video assessment of sagittal plane lumbar spine motion," Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine , New York, New York, vol. , no. , pp. , May, 2005.
R. G. Raj, W. S. Geisler, R. A. Frazor, and A. C. Bovik, "Contrast Statistics for Foveated Visual Systems: Contrast Constancy and Fixation Selection," Vision Sciences Society 5th Annual Meeting , Sarasota, FL, May, 2005.
L. K. Cormack, Y. Liu, and A. C. Bovik, "Disparity statistics in the natural environment," Vision Sciences Society 5th Annual Meeting , Sarasota, FL, May, 2005.
M. P. Sampat, S. Gupta, M. K. Markey and A. C. Bovik, "Computer-aided detection and diagnosis in mammography," The University of Texas Graduate Research Conference , Austin, Texas, vol. , no. , pp. , April, 2005.
S. S. Channappayya, R. W. Heath Jr., and A. C. Bovik, "Multiple description image coding Using natural scene statistics," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Philadelphia, PA, March, 2005.
M. P. Sampat, M. K. Markey, and A. C. Bovik, "Evidence-based detection of spiculated masses and architectural distortions," Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, Proc. of SPIE , San Diego, CA, February, 2005.
M. P. Sampat, M. K. Markey, and A. C. Bovik, "Classification of mammographic lesions into BI-RADS shape categories using the beamlet transform," Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, Proc. of SPIE , San Diego, CA, February, 2005.
H. R. Sheikh and A. C. Bovik, "A Visual Information Fidelity Approach to Video Quality Assessment (Invited Paper)," The First International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics , Scottsdale, AZ, January, 2005.
I. V. Linde, U. Rajashekar, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "A study of human recognition rates for foveola-sized image patches selected from initial and final fixations on calibrated natural images," Human Vision and Electronic Imaging X, Proc. of SPIE , , vol. 5666, January, 2005.
A. Tavassoli, I. van der Linde, L. K. Cormack, and A.C. Bovik, "The efficient use of classification images for the psychophysical investigation of visual search," 9th AVA Christmas Meeting (UK): Images, Perception & Psychophysics , Birmingham, UK, December, 2004.
I. V. Linde, U. Rajashekar, L. K. Cormack, and A. C. Bovik, "The Role of Natural Image Statistics on Visual Memory and Recognition," British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition: Symposium on Image Features & Statistics , London, UK, October, 2004.
M. F. Sabir, H. R. Sheikh, R. W. Heath Jr. and A. C. Bovik, "A joint source-channel distortion model for JPEG compressed images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-2004) , Singapore, pp. 3249-3252, October, 2004.
W.S. Geisler, R.A. Frazor, R.G. Raj, A.C. Bovik, V. Mante, and M. Carandini, "Local Luminance and Contrast in Natural Scenes: Implications for Understanding Visual Systems that Make Saccadic Eye Movements," Sensory Coding And The Natural Environment , Oxford, UK, September, 2004.
H. Choi, K. R. Castleman, and A. C. Bovik, "Joint Segmentation and Classification of M-FISH Chromosome Images," 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society [EMBS] , San Francisco, CA, September, 2004.
M. F. Sabir, R. W. Heath Jr, and A. C. Bovik, "An Unequal Power Allocation Scheme for JPEG Image Transmission," International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT'04 , Austin, TX, vol. V, pp. 346-350, August, 2004.
H. R. Sheikh and A. C. Bovik, "Image information and visual quality," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '04) , Montreal, Canada, vol. 3, pp. iii - 709-712, May, 2004.
A. Tavassoli, L. K. Cormack, A. C. Bovik, "Classification Images for Motion Perception," Houston Society for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 21st Annual Houston Conference on Biomedical Engineering Research , Houston, TX, February, 2004.
U. Rajashekar, L. K. Cormack and A. C. Bovik, "Point of gaze analysis reveals visual search strategies," Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IX, Proc. of SPIE , San Jose, CA, vol. 5292, January, 2004.
Z. Wang, E. P. Simoncelli and A. C. Bovik, "Multi-scale Structural Similarity for Image Quality Assessment
(Invited Paper)," Proc. 37th IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers , Pacific Grove, CA, November, 2003.
H. R. Sheikh, A. C. Bovik, and L. K. Cormack, "Blind Quality Assessment of JPEG2000 Compressed Images Using Natural Scene Statistics (Invited Paper)," Proc. 37th IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers , Pacific Grove, CA, vol. 2, no. , pp. 1403 - 1407, November, 2003.
M. P. Sampat and A. C. Bovik, "Detection of Spiculated Lesions in Mammograms," 25th Annual International Conference Of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , Cancun, Mexico, September, 2003.
H. Choi, T. E. Milner, H. G. Rylander III and A. C. Bovik, "Speckle Noise Reduction and Segmentation on Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography Images," 25th Annual International Conference Of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society , Cancun, Mexico, vol. 2, pp. 1062 - 1065, September, 2003.
U. Rajashekar, L. K. Cormack and A. C. Bovik, "Image features that draw fixations," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Barcelona, Spain, vol. 3, pp. 313-316, September, 2003.
B. Luck, R. Richards-Kortum and A. C. Bovik, "Segmenting cervical epithelial nuclei from confocal images using gaussian Markov random fields," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Barcelona, Spain, vol. 2, pp. 1069 - 1072, September, 2003.
A. Tavassoli, C. R. Palmer and L. K. Cormack, "Frequency and Space Domain Classification Images for Motion Detection," Vision Sciences Society, Third Annual Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, May, 2003.
C. R. Palmer, T. C. Lien, U. Rajashekar and L. K. Cormack, "Abrupt visual onsets elicit involuntary reflexive eye movements," Vision Sciences Society, Third Annual Meeting , May, 2003.
H. R. Sheikh, Z. Wang, L.K. Cormack and A.C. Bovik, "Blind quality assessment for JPEG2000 compressed images," Thirty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, vol. 2, pp. 1735 - 1739, November, 2002.
M. F. Sabir, R. Tripathi, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "A real-time embedded software implementation of a turbo encoder and soft output Viterbi algorithm based turbo decoder," Thirty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, November, 2002.
M. F. Sabir, R.W. Heath, and A. C. Bovik, "An Unequal Error Protection Scheme for Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems," Thirty-Sixth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, November, 2002.
M. Sampat, K.R. Castleman and A.C. Bovik, "Pixel-by-pixel classification of MFISH images," Second Joint Engineering in Medicine and Biology and Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting , Houston, Texas, October, 2002.
Z. Wang, H. R. Sheikh and A. C. Bovik, "No-reference perceptual quality assessment of JPEG compressed images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Rochester, New York, pp. 477 -480, September, 2002.
Z. Wang, S. Banerjee, B. L. Evans and A. C. Bovik, "Generalized Bitplane-by-Bitplane Shift Method for JPEG2000 ROI Coding," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Rochester, NY, vol. 3, pp. 81-84, September, 2002.
Z. Wang, L. Lu and A. C. Bovik, "Video quality assessment using structural distortion measurement," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Rochester, NY, vol. 3, pp. 65 -68, September, 2002.
L. Lu, Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik and J. Kouloheris, "Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment Considering Structural Distortion and No-Reference Quality Evaluation of MPEG Video," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo , Lausanne, Switzerland, vol. 1, pp. 61-64, August, 2002.
L. Lu, Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "Scalable Foveated Visual Information Coding and Communications," Invited Paper, International Conference of Communications, Circuits and Systems , Chengdu, China, June, 2002.
H. R. Sheikh, S. Liu, Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "Foveated Multipoint Videoconferencing at Low Bit Rates," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc. , Orlando, FL, vol. 2, pp. 2069 -2072, May, 2002.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "A Fast and Memory Efficient Video Transcoder for Low Bit Rate Wireless Communications," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc. , Orlando, FL, vol. 2, pp. 1969 -1972, May, 2002.
Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik and L. Lu, "Why is image quality assessment so difficult?," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing , Orlando, FL, vol. 4, pp. 3313 -3316, May, 2002.
U. Rajashekar, L. K. Cormack, A. C. Bovik and W. S. Geisler, "Image Properties That Draw Fixations," Vision Sciences Society, Second Annual Meeting , Sarasota, FL, USA, pp. 251, May, 2002.
W. Schwartzkopf, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik, "Entropy Estimation for Segmentation of Multi-Spectral Chromosome Images," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Santa Fe, NM, pp. 234-238, April, 2002.
U. Rajashekar, L. K. Cormack and A. C. Bovik, "Visual Search: Structure from Noise," Proceedings of the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium 2002 , New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 119-123, March, 2002.
J. Ling, M.A. Miller, E. Cruz, S.D. Weitman and A.C. Bovik, "Monitoring the change of taxol distribution in a living tumor cell using raman imaging microscopy," Conference on Molecular Imaging In Cancer, American Association for Cancer Research , Lake Buena Vista, Florida, January, 2002.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Look-up-table based DCT domain inverse motion compensation," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Thessaloniki, Greece, vol. 2, pp. 965 -968, October, 2001.
Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, and L. Lu, "Wavelet-based foveated image quality measurement for region of interest image coding," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Thessaloniki, Greece, vol. 2, pp. 89 -92, October, 2001.
W. Schwartzkopf, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik, "Minimum Entropy Segmentation Applied to Multi-Spectral Chromosome Images," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Thessaloniki, Greece, vol. 2, pp. 865-868, October, 2001.
L. Lu, Z. Wang, and A. C. Bovik, "Adaptive frame prediction for foveation scalable video coding," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo , Tokyo, Japan, August, 2001.
Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, L. Lu and J. Kouloheris, "Foveated wavelet image quality index," SPIE's 46th Annual Meeting, Proc. SPIE, Application of digital image processing XXIV, Applications of Digital Image Processing , San Diego, CA, vol. 4472, July, 2001.
H. R. Sheikh, S. Liu, B. L. Evans and A. C. Bovik, "Real-time foveation techniques for H.263 video encoding in software," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Salt Lake City,Utah, vol. 3, pp. 1781-1784, May, 2001.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "DCT domain blind measurement of blocking artifacts in DCT-coded images," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Salt Lake City,Utah, vol. 3, pp. 1725 -1728, May, 2001.
S. Liu and A. C. Bovik, "Local bandwidth constrained fast inverse motion compensation for DCT domain video transcoding," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech, and Signal Processing , Salt Lake City,Utah, USA, vol. 3, pp. 1609 -1612, May, 2001.
Z. Wang, L. Lu, and A. C. Bovik, "Rate scalable video coding using a foveation-based human visual system model," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing , Salt Lake City,Utah, vol. 3, pp. 1785-1789, May, 2001.
S. Banerjee, H. R. Sheikh, L. K. John, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik, "VLIW DSP vs. Superscalar Implementation of a Baseline H.263 Video Encoder," Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, CA, USA, vol. 2, pp. 1665-1669, October, 2000.
U. Rajashekar; A. C. Bovik, "Interactive DSP education using MATLAB demos," IEEE Signal Processing Education Workshop , Hunt, TX, USA, October, 2000.
G. C. Panayi, A.C. Bovik and U. Rajashekar, "Image processing for everyone," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Hunt, Texas, October, 2000.
Z. Wang, A. C. Bovik, and B. L. Evans, "Blind measurement of blocking artifacts in images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Vancouver, Canada, vol. 3, pp. 981 -984, September, 2000.
S. Lee, C. Podilchuk and A.C. Bovik, "Unequal error protection for foveation-based error resilience over mobile networks," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, September, 2000.
J. Ling and A.C. Bovik, "Modeling and restoration of raman microscopic images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, vol. 3, pp. 428-431, September, 2000.
Z. Wang and A. C. Bovik, "A human visual system-based objective video quality assessment system," International Conference on Multimedia Processing and Systems , Chennai, TN, India, August, 2000.
H. R. Sheikh, S. Banerjee, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik, "Optimization of a Baseline H.263 Video Encoder on the TMS320C6x," Proc. Texas Instruments DSP Educator's Conference , Houston, TX, USA, August, 2000.
S. Lee, C. Podilchuk and A.C. Bovik, "Foveation-based error resilience for video transmission over mobile networks," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo , New York, New York, July, 2000.
S. Lee, V. Krishnan, D. Taipale and A.C. Bovik, "Error resilience source-channel coding using foveated video and turbo codes," International Conference on Communications, Control and Signal Processing in the New Millenium , Bangalore, India, July, 2000.
S. Lee and A. C. Bovik, "Foveated Video and Image Analysis and Compression Gain Measurements," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, TX, USA, April, 2000.
W. Schwartzkopf, J. Ghosh, T. E. Milner, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik, "Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Using Neural Networks," Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis , Austin, TX, pp. 274-277, April, 2000.
M. Pattichis, A.C. Bovik, J.W. Havlick and N. Sidiropoulos, "On the representation of wideband images using permutations for lossless coding," Fourth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Austin, Texas, April, 2000.
J. Ling, R.V. Moore, M. Miller, A.C. Bovik and S.D. Weitman, "Application of raman imaging microscopy to evaluate drug distribution within cancer cells," American Association for Cancer Research, 91st Annual Meeting , San Francisco, California, April, 2000.
T.D. Kite, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Fast rehalftoning and interpolated halftoning algorithms with flat low-frequency response," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Kobe, Japan, vol. 3, no. , pp. 602-606, October, 1999.
S. Lee, A. C. Bovik and Y. Y. Kim, "Low Delay Foveated Visual Communications over Wireless Channels," IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Kobe, Japan, October, 1999.
S. Lee and A. C. Bovik, "Motion Estimation and Compensation for Foveated Video," IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Kobe, Japan, October, 1999.
M. Milosevic, W. Schwartzkopf, T. E. Milner, B. L. Evans, and A. C. Bovik, "Low-Complexity Velocity Estimation in High-Speed Optical Doppler Tomography Systems," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Kobe, Japan, vol. 2, pp. 658-662, October, 1999.
S. Lee, A. C. Bovik and B. L. Evans, "Efficient Implementation of Foveation Filtering," Proc. Texas Instruments DSP Educator's Conference , Houston, TX, USA, August, 1999.
S. Lee and A. C. Bovik, "Very Low Bit Rate Foveated Video Coding for H.263," IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc. , Phoenix, Arizona, March, 1999.
M. S. Pattichis, C. Pattichis, M. Avraam, A.C. Bovik and K. Kyriakou, "AM-FM texture segmentation in electron microscopic muscle imaging," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Phoenix, Arizona, March, 1999.
B. Lu, D. Wei, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Improved matrix pencil methods," Thirty-Second Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, vol. 2, pp. 1433-1437, November, 1998.
S. Lee, M. S. Pattichis, and A. C. Bovik, "Foveated Image/Video Quality Assessment in Curvilinear Coordinates," Int. Workshop on Very Low Bitrate Video Coding , Urbana, IL, USA, pp. 189-192, October, 1998.
S. Lee and A. C. Bovik, "Maximally Flat Bandwidth Allocation for VBR Video," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Chicago, IL, USA, vol. 2, pp. 346-350, October, 1998.
S. Lee, M. S. Pattichis, and A. C. Bovik, "Rate Control for Foveated MPEG/H.263 Video," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing , Chicago, IL, USA, vol. 2, pp. 365-369, October, 1998.
D. Wei, H.-T. Pai and A.C. Bovik, "Antisymmetric biorthogonal coiflets for image coding," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Chicago, Illinois, October, 1998.
T.D. Kite, N. Damera-Venkata, B.L. Evans, and A.C. Bovik, "A high quality, fast inverse halftoning algorithm for error diffused halftones," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Chicago, Illinois, vol. 2, pp. 59-63, October, 1998.
J.P. Havlicek, J.W. Havlicek, A.C. Bovik and N.D. Mamuya, "Relating skewed 2-D Hilbert transforms and computed AM-FM models," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Chicago, Illinois, October, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Interference rejection in direct-sequence spread-spectrum communications using the discrete Gabor transform," IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop , Bryce Canyon National Park, UT, August, 1998.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Meyer scaling functions as ISI-free shaping pulses," IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop , Bryce Canyon National Park, UT, August, 1998.
N.D. Sidiropoulos, M.S. Pattichis, A.C. Bovik and J.W. Havlicek, "COPERM: Transform-domain energy compaction by optimal permutation," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Seattle, Washington, May, 1998.
H.-T. Pai, J.W. Havlicek and A.C. Bovik, "Generically sufficient conditions for exact multichannel blind image restoration," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Seattle, Washington, May, 1998.
K. Suriamoorthy and A.C. Bovik, "Modeling of growth via active contour models," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Tucson, Arizona, April, 1998.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "Wideband frequency excursions in computed AM-FM image models," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Tucson, Arizona, April, 1998.
D. Wei, A.C. Bovik and B.L. Evans, "Generalized coiflets: A new family of orthonormal wavelets," Thirty-First Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, vol. 2, pp. 1259-1263, November, 1997.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Asymptotic convergence of biorthogonal wavelet filters," Thirty-First Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, November, 1997.
D. Wei, B.L. Evans and A.C. Bovik, "Biorthogonal quincunx coifman wavelets," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Santa Barbara, California, vol. 2, pp. 246-249, October, 1997.
J.P. Havlicek, J.W. Havlicek and A.C. Bovik, "The analytic image," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Santa Barbara, California, October, 1997.
T.D. Kite, B.L. Evans, A.C. Bovik and T.L. Sculley, "Digital halftoning as 2-D delta-sigma modulation," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Santa Barbara, California, vol. 1, pp. 799-802, October, 1997.
M.S. Pattichis, C.I. Christodoulou, C.S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "Nonstationary texture segmentation using an AM-FM model," International Conference on Neural Networks , Houston, Texas, June, 1997.
W.N. Klarquist and A.C. Bovik, "Adaptive variable baseline stereo for vergence control," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation , Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1997.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding, and A.C. Bovik, "Extracting essential modulated image structure," Thirtieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Pacific Grove, California, November, 1996.
B.S. Barnett and A.C. Bovik, "Full motion workstation-based video conferencing using software-only compression," First Conference on Telecommunications , Austin, Texas, October, 1996.
D. Craievich and A.C. Bovik, "Stereo image compression using VPIC," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Lausanne, Switzerland, September, 1996.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "Discrete quasi-eigenfunction approximation for AM-FM image analysis," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Lausanne, Switzerland, September, 1996.
M.S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "AM-FM expansions of images," European Signal Processing Conference , Trieste, Italy, September, 1996.
C. Yim, A.C. Bovik and J.K. Aggarwal, "Bayesian range segmentation using focus cues," Thirteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition , Vienna, Austria, August, 1996.
J.P. Havlicek, M.S. Pattichis, D.S. Harding, A.C. Christofides and A.C. Bovik, "AM-FM image analysis techniques," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , San Antonio, Texas, April, 1996.
D. Craievich and A.C. Bovik, "A stereo VPIC system," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , San Antonio, Texas, April, 1996.
J.C. Wehnes, H.-T. Pai and A.C. Bovik, "Fast lossless image compression," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , San Antonio, Texas, April, 1996.
M.S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "A fluid model for texture images," Ninth IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing , Belize City, Belize, March, 1996.
D.S. Harding, J.P. Havlicek and A.C. Bovik, "Recent advances in multi-component AM-FM image modelling," Ninth IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing , Belize City, Belize, March, 1996.
D. Wei and A.C. Bovik, "Enhancement of decompressed images by optimal wavelet basis," SPIE Conference on Still-Image Compression , San Jose, California, January, 1996.
C. Kim and A.C. Bovik, "Range segmentation using focus cues," IEEE International Symposium on Computer Vision , Coral Gables, Florida, November, 1995.
T.-Y. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Stereo disparity from multiscale processing of local image phase," IEEE International Symposium on Computer Vision , Coral Gables, Florida, November, 1995.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "Reconstruction from the multi-component AM-FM image representation," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Washington, DC, October, 1995.
W.N. Klarquist, W.S. Geisler and A.C. Bovik, "Maximum-likelihood depth-from-defocus for active vision," IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August, 1995.
J.P. Havlicek, A.C. Bovik, M.D. Desai and D.S. Harding, "The discrete quasi-eigenfunction approximation," International Conference on Digital Signal Processing , Limassol, Cyprus, June, 1995.
M.S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "Multidimensional frequency modulation in texture images," International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, , Limassol, Cyprus, June, 1995.
J.P. Havlicek, D.S. Harding and A.C. Bovik, "Multi-component signal demodulation and reconstruction using AM-FM models," IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Digital Signal Processing , Neos Marmaras-Haldiki, Greece, June, 1995.
M.S. Pattichis and A.C. Bovik, "A nonlinear fluid model for describing frequency modulation of image orientations," IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Digital Signal Processing , Neos Marmaras-Haldiki, Greece, June, 1995.
B.S. Barnett and A.C. Bovik,, "Software codec based full motion video conferencing on the PC using visual pattern image sequence coding," SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression: Algorithms and Technologies , San Jose, California, February, 1995.
S.T. Acton, A.C. Bovik and M.M. Crawford, "Anisotropic diffusion pyramids for image segmentation," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Austin, Texas, November, 1994.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Piecewise and local class models for image restoration," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Austin, Texas, November, 1994.
P. Maragos and A.C. Bovik, "Demodulation of images modeled by amplitude-frequency modulations using multidimensional energy separation," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Austin, Texas, November, 1994.
J.P. Havlicek and A.C. Bovik, "Multi-component AM-FM image models and wavelet-based demodulation with component tracking," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Austin, Texas, November, 1994.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Semi-automatic morphological measurements of 2-D and 3-D microvascular images," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Austin, Texas, November, 1994.
C. Yim, W.N. Klarquist and A.C. Bovik, "Multiresolution feature extraction based on multifrequency decomposition," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , San Antonio, Texas, October, 1994.
W.N. Klarquist and A.C. Bovik, "The Texas active vision testbed," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , San Antonio, Texas, October, 1994.
T.-Y. Chen, A.C. Bovik and B.J. Super, "Multiscale stereopsis via Gabor filter phase response," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , San Antonio, Texas, October, 1994.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Image segmentation via piecewise constant regression," SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Chicago, Illinois, September, 1994.
K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik and C.E. Griffin, "Spatio-temporal tracking of material shape changes via multi-dimensional splines," IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis , Seattle, Washington, June, 1994.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "In vivo analysis of angiogenesis and revascularization of transplanted pancreatic islets using confocal microscopy," Conference on Confocal and Nearfield Microscopy and 3-D Image Processing in Microscopy , Munich, Germany, April, 1994.
C. Yim and A.C. Bovik, "Vergence control using a hierarchical image structure," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Dallas, Texas, April, 1994.
T.-Y. Chen, W.N. Klarquist and A.C. Bovik, "Stereo vision using Gabor wavelets," IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation , Dallas, Texas, April, 1994.
B.S. Barnett and A.C. Bovik, "Motion compensated visual pattern image sequence coding," SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression and Processing on Personal Computers: Algorithms and Technologies , San Jose, CA, February, 1994.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Analysis of 3-D microscopic images of cryopreserved rat pancreatic islets for determination of viability," Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques , Calcutta, India, December, 1993.
P.L. Silsbee and A.C. Bovik, "Audio-visual speech recognition for a vowel discrimination task," SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1993.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Nonlinear regression for image enhancement via generalized deterministic annealing," SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1993.
F.A. Merchant, K.R. Diller, S.J. Aggarwal and A.C. Bovik, "Analysis of the three-dimensional distribution of injury to pancreas islets during cryopreservation: computer evaluation of laser scanning micrographs," Thirty-First Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science , College Station, Texas, October, 1993.
B.S. Barnett, A.C. Bovik and P.L. Silsbee, "Motion compensated visual pattern image sequence coding," Eighth IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing , Cannes, France, September, 1993.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Local and piecewise classes of nonlinear regression for image enhancement," Eighth IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing , Cannes, France, September, 1993.
S.T. Acton, A.C. Bovik and J. Ghosh, "Generalized deterministic annealing," World Conference on Neural Networks , Portland, Oregon, July, 1993.
K.R. Diller, F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Bartels and A.C. Bovik, "Measurement of the osmotic properties of multicellular tissues for understanding and predicting behavior during cryopreservation," Society for Cryobiology Annual Meeting , Atlanta, Georgia, July, 1993.
P.L. Silsbee and A.C. Bovik, "Medium-vocabulary audio-visual speech recognition," NATO Advanced Study Institute: New Advances and Trends in Speech Recognition and Coding , Bubion (Granada), Spain, June, 1993.
B.J. Super, A.C. Bovik, and W.S. Geisler, "A model of shape from texture using second-order moments of local spatial-frequency spectra," Association for Researchers in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Spring Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, May, 1993.
K.A. Bartels and A.C. Bovik, "Shape change analysis and shape modeling using three-dimensional biomedical images," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Minneapolis, Minnesota, April, 1993.
A.C. Bovik, J.P. Havlicek and M.D. Desai, "Theorems for discrete filtered modulated signals," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Minneapolis, Minnesota, April, 1993.
S.T. Acton, J. Ghosh and A.C. Bovik, "Fast combinatorial optimization using generalized deterministic annealing," SPIE Conference on the Science of Artificial Neural Networks , Orlando, Florida, April, 1993.
F.A. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.A. Bartels, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Analysis of volumetric changes in rat pancreas islets under osmotic stress using laser scanning confocal microscopy," 30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium , San Antonio, Texas, April, 1993.
K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik, R.H. Crawford, S.J. Aggarwal and K.R. Diller, "Selective laser sintering for the creation of solid models from 3D microscopic images," 30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium , San Antonio, Texas, April, 1993.
P.L. Silsbee and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic lipreading," 30th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium , San Antonio, Texas, April, 1993.
A.C. Bovik, P. Maragos and T.F. Quatieri, "Demodulation of AM-FM signals in noise using multiband energy operators," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory , San Antonio, Texas, January, 1993.
P. Maragos, A.C. Bovik and T.F. Quatieri, "A multidimensional energy operator for image processing," SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1992.
J.P. Havlicek, A.C. Bovik and P. Maragos, "Modulation models for image processing and wavelet-based image demodulation," 26th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , Monterey, California, October, 1992.
A.C. Bovik, P. Maragos and T.F. Quatieri, "Measuring amplitude and frequency modulations in noise using multiband energy operators," IEEE International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis , Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, October, 1992.
B. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Solution to shape-from-texture by wavelet-based measurement of local spectral moments," IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Champaign, Illinois,, June, 1992.
A.C. Bovik, "Variational pattern analysis using Gabor wavelets," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, , San Francisco, California, March, 1992.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "Anisotropic edge detection using mean field annealing," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , San Francisco, California, March, 1992.
K.A. Bartels, R.H. Crawford, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and S.J. Aggarwal, "Solid macroscopic models formed by selective laser sintering from 3-D laser scanning confocal microscopic images," Fourth International Conference on Confocal Microscopy , Amsterdam, March, 1992.
S. J. Aggarwal, F.A. Merchant, K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "3-D distribution of dead cells in cryopreserved pancreatic islets as determined by confocal microscopy," Fourth International Conference on Confocal Microscopy , Amsterdam, March, 1992.
S.J. Aggarwal, F.A. Merchant, K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "Confocal microscopy and 3-D visualization of cryopreserved pancreatic islets," SPIE/IS&T Conference on Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy , San Jose, California, February, 1992.
K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik, S.J. Aggarwal, and K.R. Diller, "Shape change analysis of confocal microscope images using variational techniques," SPIE/IS&T Conference on Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy , San Jose, California, February, 1992.
B. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Three-dimensional orientation from texture using Gabor wavelets," SPIE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1991.
B. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Local image analysis by Gabor wavelets," Seventh IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop on Multidimensional Signal Processing , Lake Placid, New York, September, 1991.
F. Merchant, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Confocal microscopy of cultured, cryopreserved/thawed pancreatic islets," CRYO 91 , Brussels, Belgium, July, 1991.
P. Silsbee and A.C. Bovik, "Nonuniform visual pattern image coding," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Toronto, Canada, May, 1991.
A. Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, "Windowed locally monotonic regression," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Toronto, Canada, May, 1991.
P. Silsbee and A.C. Bovik, "Nonuniform and adaptive VPISC," SPIE/IS&T Conference on Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques , San Jose, California, February, 1991.
K.A. Bartels, A.C. Bovik, C. Lee and A.J. Bard, "Digital restoration of scanning electrochemical microscope images," SPIE/IS&T Conference on Biomedical Image Processing II , San Jose, California, February, 1991.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Dense stereo correspondence using color," SPIE Conference on Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IX: Neural, Biological, and 3-D Methods , Boston, Massachusetts, November, 1990.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Dense color stereo," SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Lausanne, Switzerland, October, 1990.
S.T. Acton and A.C. Bovik, "GRUPO: A 3-D structure recognition system," SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Lausanne, Switzerland, October, 1990.
P. L. Silsbee, A.C. Bovik and D. Chen, "Visual pattern image sequence coding," SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Lausanne, Switzerland, October, 1990.
D. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Hierarchical visual pattern image coding," Tenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition , Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 17-21, 1990. Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 17-21, 1990. Atlantic City, New Jersey, June, 1990.
C.Y.J. Yip, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "Arteriolar vasomotion measurements using digital image processing," SPIE Optical Engineering South Central Conference , Dallas, Texas, May, 1990.
A.C. Bovik, "Properties of multichannel texture analysis filters," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1990.
L. Naaman and A.C. Bovik, "Least squares order statistic filters for signal restoration in dependent noise," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1990.
A. Restrepo, I.W. Sandberg and A.C. Bovik, "Non-Euclidean locally monotonic regression," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1990.
S.J. Aggarwal, C.Y.J. Yip, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Tracking of vessel diameter fluctuations using digital image analysis," SPIE/SPSE Conference on Biomedical Image Processing , Santa Clara, California, February, 1990.
N. Gopal, A.C. Bovik and J. Ghosh, "Multiple channel surface orientation from texture," SPIE/SPSE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging: Models, Methods, and Applications , Santa Clara, California, February, 1990.
B.J. Super and A.C. Bovik, "Optimally localized estimation of the fractal dimension," SPIE/SPSE Conference on Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision , Santa Clara, California, February, 1990.
A. Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, "Statistical optimality of locally monotonic regression," SPIE/SPSE Conference on Nonlinear Image Processing , Santa Clara, California, February, 1990.
J. Ghosh, N. Gopal and A.C. Bovik, "Textured image segmentation using localized receptive fields," International Joint Conference on Neural Networks , Washington, DC, January, 1990.
A.C. Bovik, N. Gopal and T. Emmoth, "Numerical analysis of visual patterns," Sixth IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Multidimensional Signal Processing , Monterey, California, September, 1989.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "On using color in edge-based stereo algorithms," SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion II: Human and Machine Strategies , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September, 1989.
D. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Fast image coding using simple image patterns," SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September, 1989.
A.C. Bovik, N. Gopal and T. Emmoth, "Numerical analysis of image patterns," SPIE Symposium on Visual Communications and Image Processing , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September, 1989.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Chromatic stereopsis," Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Detroit, Michigan, August, 1989.
C.Y.J. Yip, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "Automatic tracking of vessel lumen fluctuations using digital image processing," Sixth Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis , Oulu, Finland, June, 1989.
N. Gopal, T. Emmoth and A.C. Bovik, "Channel interactions in visible pattern analysis," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech, and Signal Processing , Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989.
N.H. Kim and A.C. Bovik, " Computing 3-D symbolic representation of blood vessels from stereo-microscopic images," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech, and Signal Processing , Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989.
H.G. Longbotham, A.C. Bovik and A. Restrepo, "Generalized order statistic filters," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech, and Signal Processing , Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989.
A. Restrepo and A.C. Bovik, " Locally monotonic regression," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech, and Signal Processing , Glasgow, Scotland, May, 1989.
D. Chen and A.C. Bovik, "Visual pattern image coding," Conference on Information Sciences and Systems , The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March, 1989.
N.H. Kim, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and A.C. Bovik, "3-D model of vascular network in rat skin obtained by stereo vision techniques," Second International Conference on 3-D Image Processing in Microscopy , Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March, 1989.
F. Macias-Garza, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and S.J. Aggarwal, "Determining the 3D structure of serial-sectioned microscopic objects: analysis and limitations," Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition , Rome, Italy, October, 1988.
N.H. Kim, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "Computing shape changes in solanum tuberosa slices viewed through a stereo microscope," Ninth International Conference on Pattern Recognition , Rome, Italy, October, 1988.
K.D. Sanders and A.C. Bovik, "Nonlinear iterative techniques for image restoration from incomplete spectral data," Twenty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing , Monticello, Illinois, September, 1988.
J. Y. Jou and A.C. Bovik, "Improving visible-surface reconstruction," IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Ann Arbor, Michigan, June, 1988.
J. R. Jordan, W.S. Geisler and A.C. Bovik, "The role of color in global stereopsis," Association for Researchers in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Spring Meeting , Sarasota, Florida, May, 1988.
F. Macias-Garza, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and J.K. Aggarwal, "The missing cone problem and low-pass distortion in optical serial sectioning microscopy," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , New York, New York, April, 1988.
H.G. Longbotham and A.C. Bovik, "Relating analog and digital order statistic filters," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , New York, New York, April, 1988.
R. A. Brooks and A.C. Bovik, "Robust detection of object boundaries in Weibull radar imagery," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , New York, New York, April, 1988.
L. Naaman and A.C. Bovik, "Optimal order statistic filters with coefficient censoring," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , New York, New York, April, 1988.
N.H. Kim, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and J.K. Aggarwal, "Stereoscopic analysis of shape changes in solanum tuberosa slices under osmotic shock," First International Conference on 3-D Image Processing in Microscopy , Giessen, Germany, March, 1988.
A.C. Bovik, M. Clark and W.S. Geisler, "Computational texture analysis using localized spatial filtering," IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Computer Vision , Miami Beach, Florida, November, 1987.
J. R. Jordan, W.S. Geisler and A.C. Bovik, "Chromaticity as a source of information in the human stereo correspondence problem," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Fairfax, Virginia, October, 1987.
J.R. Jordan and A.C. Bovik, "Computational stereo using color," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Fairfax, Virginia, October, 1987.
D.D. Kerrick and A.C. Bovik, "Efficient recognition of handprinted characters from tablet-based input," Twenty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing , Monticello, Illinois, September, 1987.
L. Naaman and A.C. Bovik, "Censored order statistic filters," Twenty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing , Monticello, Illinois, September, 1987.
S.H. Kim, N.H. Kim and A.C. Bovik, "Recognition of Korean isolated digits using a pole-zero model," IASTED International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications , Brisbane, Australia, August, 1987.
F. Macias-Garza, K.R. Diller, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik and J.K. Aggarwal, "Optimal 3-D reconstruction of serially sectioned microscopic images by computer," IASTED International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications , Brisbane, Australia, August, 1987.
H.G. Longbotham and A.C. Bovik, "A theoretical analysis of order statistic filters and their relationship to linear FIR filters," IASTED International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications , Brisbane, Australia, August, 1987.
N.H. Kim, A.C. Bovik, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller and J.K. Aggarwal, "Automated 3-D analysis of stereo-microscopic images," IASTED International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications , Brisbane, Australia, August, 1987.
M. Clark, A.C. Bovik and W.S. Geisler, "Experiments with a theory of visual texture segmentation using modulation/demodulation processes," IASTED International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications , Brisbane, Australia, August, 1987.
F. Macias-Garza, N.H. Kim, A.C. Bovik, K.R. Diller and S.J. Aggarwal, "Computer vision for measuring the area of biological objects," IBM Academic Information Systems University AEP Conference , Boston, Massachusetts, June, 1987.
M. Clark, A.C. Bovik and W.R. Geisler, "Texture segmentation using a class of narrowband filters," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Dallas, Texas, April, 1987.
A.C. Bovik, "Analysis of streaking and blotching effects in median filtered signals and images," Conference on Information Sciences and Systems , The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, March, 1987.
A.C. Bovik, N.H. Kim, S.J. Aggarwal and K.R. Diller, "Automatic measurement of cellular area using a PC based vision system," Thirty-first International Symposium on Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications , Austin, Texas, November, 1986.
N.H. Kim, A.B. Wysocki, S.J. Aggarwal, A.C. Bovik and K.R. Diller, "PC based computer vision for analysis of complex biomedical shapes: the pancreas islet," Fifth Southern Biomedical Conference , Shreveport, Louisiana, October, 1986.
N.H. Kim and A.C. Bovik, "A solution to the stereo correspondence problem using disparity smoothness constraint," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1986.
C.-C. Chu and A.C. Bovik, "Visible surface reconstruction under a minimax criterion," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1986.
M. Clark and A.C. Bovik, "Texture discrimination using a model of visual cortex," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1986.
D. Kerrick and A.C. Bovik, "Efficient recognition of omni-font characters using models of human pattern perception," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics , Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1986.
H. G. Longbotham and A.C. Bovik, "The equivalence of order statistic and nonrecursive linear digital filters under monotonicity criteria," Twenty-Fourth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing , Monticello, Illinois, October, 1986.
A.C. Bovik and L. Naaman, "Optimal signal estimation using rank-and temporal-ordered digital filters," Fifth International Symposium on Electronic and Information Sciences , Kobe, Japan, April, 1986.
A.C. Bovik, "Detection of object boundaries in synthetic aperture radar imagery using a human visual model," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Tokyo, Japan, April, 1986.
A.C. Bovik and A. Restrepo, "Spectral analysis of order statistic filters," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Tokyo, Japan, April, 1986.
A.C. Bovik and L. Naaman, "Least-squares signal estimation using order statistic filters," Twentieth Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems , Princeton, New Jersey, March, 1986.
A.C. Bovik and A. Restrepo, "Adaptive L-filters," Twenty-Third Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing , Monticello, Illinois, October, 1985.
A.C. Bovik and D.C. Munson, "Boundary detection in speckle images," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Tampa, Florida, March, 1985.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "Nonparametric edge detection with an assumption on minimum edge height," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , Arlington, Virginia, June, 1983.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "Image restoration using order-constrained least-squares methods," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Boston, Massachusetts, April, 1983.
A.C. Bovik, T.S. Huang and D.C. Munson, "Nonlinear filtering using linear combinations of order statistics," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing , Paris, France, May, 1982.
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