LIVE (current) Members
Zombies (PhD Alumni)
Master's Alumni
Contact Information
EER 6.866, 2501 Speedway, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712
+1 (512) 471-2887
Website Administrator: Avinab Saha (avinab.saha [at] utexas [dot] edu)
Website created by F. Leo Isikdogan
Zombies (PhD Alumni)
Name | Research | Graduation Year |
Maniratnam Mandal |
Image and Video Quality Assessment, Computer Vision, Computational Photography, Data Science | 2024 |
Sungsoo Kim |
Machine learning, Medical imaging analysis, Image/Video processing | 2024 |
Abhinau Venkataramanan |
Image/Video Quality Assessment, Deep Learning, Computer Vision | 2024 |
Zaixi Shang |
Image and Video Processing, Computer Vision, machine learning | 2023 |
Joshua Ebenezer |
Video Quality Assessment, Deep Learning, Computer Vision | 2023 |
Dae Yeol Lee |
Image/video quality assessment and enhancement, Immersive media, Machine learning, and Computer vision | 2022 |
Zhengzhong Tu |
Image and Video quality, image processing, machine learning | 2022 |
Pavan Chennagiri |
Image and Video Processing, Computer Vision | 2022 |
Somdyuti Paul |
Image and Video Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning | 2022 |
Li-Heng Chen |
Image/Video quality assessment, image/video codec | 2022 |
Meixu Chen |
image and video quality assessment,visual perception,image/video processing | 2022 |
Xiangxu Yu |
Image and video processing, image/video quality assessment, machine learning | 2022 |
Yize Jin |
Image and Video processing, Virtual Reality, Visual Discomfort | 2022 |
Zhenqiang Ying |
Image/Video Enhancement and Quality Assessment, learning based computational photography | 2022 |
Praful Gupta |
Image and video processing, image/video quality assessment, computer vision | 2021 |
Janice Pan |
Image/video quality assessment, image processing, 3D reconstruction, computer vision | 2019 |
Zeina Sinno |
Natural scene statistics, image and video compression, image and video quality assesment | 2019 |
Christos Bampis |
Computer vision, machine learning, medical imaging analysis, image/video processing, graph-theoretic methods in computer vision | 2018 |
Todd Goodall |
Statistical modeling of images and videos, image and video quality assessment algorithms, visual perception, computational vision | 2018 |
Deepti Ghadiyaram |
Image and video procesing, computer vision, image quality analysis | 2017 |
F. Leo Isikdogan |
Satellite image processing, remote sensing, image and video processing, computer vision, machine learning | 2017 |
Lark Kwon Choi |
Image and video quality assessment, visual masking, motion perception, image and video enhancement and compression | 2015 |
Che-Chun Su |
Computer Vision, Computational Photography, and Natural Scene Statistics | 2014 |
Chao Chen |
Video transmission over wireless channel, visual quality assessment and its potential applications in video communications | 2013 |
Michele Saad |
Image and Video Quality Assessment, Image Processing, Content-Based image Retreival, Machine Learning | 2013 |
Anish Mittal |
Computer Vision,Image processing and Machine learning | 2013 |
Gautam Muralidhar |
2D & 3D Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Computational Models for Tumor Growth. | 2012 |
Ming-Jun Chen |
Video quality assessment, and Video content analysis. | 2012 |
Ajay Gopinath |
Feature Modeling and Tomographic Reconstruction of Electron Microscopy Images | 2012 |
Rajiv Soundararajan |
Information Theoratic Methods in Distributed Compression and Visual Quality Assessment | 2012 |
Anush Moorthy |
Natural Scene Statistics Based Blind Image Quality Assessment and Repair | 2012 |
Sina Jahanbin |
New Approaches to Automatic 3D and 2D/3D Face Recognition | 2011 |
Thayne Coffman |
Computational stereo, passive 3D ranging, target acquisition, tracking, and recognition, exploiting foveated imagery, and social network analysis | 2011 |
Yang Liu |
Scene Statistics of 3D Natural Images | 2010 |
Shalini Gupta |
3D Face Reconition | 2008 |
Kalpana Seshadrinathan |
Video Quality Assessment based on Motion Models | 2008 |
Thomas Arnow |
Foveated object recognition by corner search | 2008 |
Sumohana Channappayya |
Image communication system design based on the structural similarity index | 2007 |
Abtine Tavassoli |
Discovery and representation of human strategies for visual search | 2007 |
Raghu Raj |
Optimal visual search strategies using natural scene statistics | 2007 |
James Monaco |
Optimal sampling strategies for active stereo vision systems | 2007 |
Hyohoon Choi |
Automatic Classification and Segmentation of Multiplex-Fluorescence In-Sity Hybridization Chromosome Images | 2006 |
Mehul Sampat |
Evidence-based detection of spiculated lesions on mammography | 2006 |
Farooq Sabir |
Joint Source-Channel Distortion Modeling for Wireless Image and Video Communication | 2006 |
Umesh Rajashekar |
Statistical Analysis and Selection of Visual Fixations | 2005 |
Hamid Sheikh |
Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics | 2004 |
Wade Schwartzkopf |
Maximum likelihood techniques for joint segmentation-classification of multi-spectral chromosome images | 2002 |
Shizhong Liu |
DCT Domain Video Foveation and Transcoding for Heterogeneous Video Communication | 2002 |
Jian Ling |
The Development of Raman Imaging Microscopy to Visualize Drug Actions in Living Cells | 2001 |
Zhou Wang |
Rate Scalable Foveated Image and Video Communications | 2001 |
Sanghoon Lee |
Foveated video compression and visual communications over wireless and wireline networks | 2000 |
Barry Barnett |
Full motion multiparty videoconferencing using motion compensated visual pattern image sequence coding | 2000 |
Hung-Ta Pai |
Multichannel blind image restoration | 1999 |
Thomas Kite |
Design and quality assessment of forward and inverse error diffusion halftoning algorithms | 1998 |
Wei Dong |
Coiflet-type wavelets : theory, design, and applications | 1998 |
Marios Pattichis |
AM-FM transforms with applications | 1998 |
Joseph Havlicek |
AM-FM image models | 1996 |
Changhoon Yim |
Multiresolution 3-D range segmentation using focus cues | 1996 |
William Klarquist |
FOVEA : a foveated vergent active stereo vision system for dynamic three-dimensional scene recovery | 1996 |
Tieh-Yuh Chen |
Stereo disparity from local image phase : new models for image modulation, coarse-to-fine processing, and disparity channels | 1995 |
Scott Acton |
Generalized deterministic annealing with applications to nonconvex problems in image processing | 1993 |
Peter Silsbee |
Computer lipreading for improved accuracy in automatic speech recognition | 1993 |
Keith Bartels |
The analysis of biological shape and shape-change from multi-dimensional image sequences | 1993 |
Boaz Super |
Understanding images of textured surfaces | 1992 |
Laith Naaman |
Design of least squares order statistic filters | 1990 |
Alfredo Restrepo |
Locally monotonic regression and related techniques for signal smoothing and shaping | 1990 |
John Jordan |
On using chromatic information in stereo correspondence | 1990 |
Dapang Chen |
Visual pattern image coding | 1990 |
Nak Kim |
Computation of shape from stereo images with application to biological shape analysis | 1989 |
Fernando Macias |
Implementation and limitations of scanning light microscopy for the determination of three-dimensional structure from optical serial sections | 1988 |
Harold Longbotham |
Deterministic theory of order statistic filters | 1988 |
Master's Alumni
Name | Research | Graduation Year |
Ramit Pahwa |
Deep Learning, Video Quality Assessment, Efficient Model Representation | 2024 |
Chengyang Wu |
Image/Video Quality Assessment, Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision | 2021 |
Haoran Niu |
Image/video quality assessment, computer vision, deep learning | 2020 |
William Malpica |
Stereo Image Quality Assesment and Biomedical Imaging | 2008 |
Joonsoo Lee |
3D Face Recognition | 2007 |
Kalpana Seshadrinathan |
Steganalysis of Spread Spectrum Techniques using Natural Scene Statistics | 2004 |
Brette Luck |
An algorithm for segmenting nuclei in confocal images of cervical tissue for cervical precancer detection | 2004 |
Mehul Sampat |
Classification of M-FISH images | 2002 |
Farooq Sabir |
Unequal error protection for Scalable Foveated Image Communication | 2002 |
Hamid Sheikh |
Real-time foveation techniques for low bit rate video coding | 2001 |
Vidhya Krishnan |
Channel coding techniques for foveated video | 2000 |
Kostas Kladopoulos |
2000 | |
George Panayi |
Implementation of digital image processing functions using LabVIEW | 1999 |
Wade Schwartzkopf |
1998 | |
Kartick Suriamoorthy |
Analysis of shape, shape-change and growth via active contour and surface models | 1997 |
Danielle Craevich |
A Stereo VPIC System | 1996 |
Hung-Ta Pai |
Fast image compression algorithms applied to space object images | 1996 |
Christopher Griffin |
Multiresolution shape change analysis of biomedical images | 1995 |
Tina Messerschmitt |
Evaluation of the dominant mode rejection beamformer for passive sonar applications | 1995 |
Patrick Lacour |
Real time image processing for autonomous navigation | 1993 |
Thomas Arnow |
Comparison of sensor configurations for ANN pattern recognition | 1991 |
A-Lan Reynolds |
Image analysis and arm recognition in spiral galaxies | 1991 |
Zhengyi Xie |
"Red light, green light," a real-time computer vision application | 1991 |
William Klarquist |
The magic X-ray machine : an application of computer vision techniques using limited sensing and computational resources. | 1990 |
Scott Acton |
Recognition of generalized cylinders using perceptual organization | 1990 |
Nanda Gopal |
Numerical analysis of image patterns | 1989 |
Michael Gibson |
Heirarchical clustering for image and scene segmentation | 1988 |
Kirk Sanders |
Nonlinear iterative techniques for image restoration from incomplete spectral data | 1988 |
Tomas Emmoth |
Multichannel Texture Analysis | 1988 |
Mosfeq Rashid |
A parallel architecture for high quality graphics | 1988 |
Robin Brooks |
Robust edge detection in radar noise | 1987 |
Jinn-Yeu Jou |
On visible surface reconstruction | 1987 |
Shannon Spires |
Fractal terrain generation by recursive mapping | 1987 |
Fen-Fen Shueh |
Accuracy analysis of edge detecting operators | 1986 |
Alfredo Restrepo |
On dynamic characteristics of L-filters and adaptive L-filters | 1986 |
Chen-Chau Chu |
Visual surface reconstruction using minimax criterion | 1986 |
Thomas Dehel |
A parallel architecture to solve the robotic path finding problem | 1985 |
Jeffrey Wehnes |
Nicholas Von Bavel |
Ritha Pai |
Ronald Larcom |
Multiple image 3D reconstruction and computer vision. | |
Alan Bernstein |
Foveated coding for large-format video | |
Dave Harding |
Contact Information
EER 6.866, 2501 Speedway, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712
+1 (512) 471-2887
Website Administrator: Avinab Saha (avinab.saha [at] utexas [dot] edu)
Website created by F. Leo Isikdogan